Wrong gear change


I dont know anything!
Jun 14, 2002
Hi guys!

I did a fault in my gear change today...

I thought I was on D and was going to change to OD when I was on the motorway. In reality I already was on OD and changed to N!!!

My Scanmaster noted a 19.9 knock retard...

Now I wonder, is this really bad for the engine ? I mean the engine isnt under load in N.

No head gaskets blown anyway, not what I noticed. (And if I had blowed em, I must have notice it)

Danny.. ya got to take it easy..

Only knock that is concern is the top of the gear at WOT.. the rest is mechanical noise.. not detonation.

So dont worry about it.. when you hurt it, you'll know.

Man !!! Those Swedes sure are hard on thier cars.. .:D :D :D Just kidding guys mine farted one night while racing a "street hemi" thing and blew the valve seals off of the cyl. head bosses. Figure that one out. (Ihad him too, really made me @#$&^%$#*% (not happy) Turbota.
It's ironic that you mention "mechanical noise" as this is a subject that Eric M. and I have been discussing for a while now. Seems that I always see detonation around the 99-103 mph range...without fail. Eric mentioned that most of the DS files he sees from the TTA's have similiar KR around those speeds, I wonder what it is that would cause the TTA's to produce such a sound that would cause the knock sensor to go off??? As such I rarely get upset over KR unless it's in the lower mph area. BTW, I FINALLY figured out why I am loosing boost in high gear when the TCC locks. I got my WB O2 hooked up and headed to the track last Friday only to find out that once in 3rd and when the converter locks, my A/F ratio goes from ~11.6 to 10.1 or lower, thus the drop from 25 psi to 18 psi.....not enough exhaust velocity to keep the boost up.