Wideband numbers?


Oct 5, 2009
How much are you seeing your wideband numbers fluctuate during WOT and what is considered normal?
Like say you are shooting for 10.9 at wot.....do u shoot for +/- .3 or .4 since it bounces around some? And what would be seen as too much fluctuation?

I am shooting for 10.8 but the powerlogger shows around 11.2 before it stablizes at 10.8 but it generally goes on a downward slope as I stay in the gas like down to around 10.4 to 10.3?
IF its steady at 11.2 for a portion and then starts to go rich you are most likely reving the motor too high.
Once engine power drops off fuel consumption drops also and the chip does not know to take fuel out.