Why special treatment


Active Member
Jun 1, 2006
No link, this was on Los Angeles Channel 4 - 5 o'clock news

2 off duty motorcycle cops providing traffic control for a funeral collided with each other, one was thrown into the windshield of a 3rd vehicle. The officers were rushed to a hospital where one died and the other critical. Relatives of the injured cops were AIRLIFTED to the hospital. The accident was in Hawthorne ~12:45pm.

Now while I feel sorry for the officers and their families, what gives them the special treatment to be airlifted to the hosp. Esp since they were off duty earning extra money.
I'm getting real tired of this double standard.

The grandmother next door had a heart attack and her daughter in law didn't know what to do since the son was at a concert somewhere in Brea, about 25 miles away. I told her to go to the hosp. Loudly, so the 4 sheriff's deputies, just standing around, had to hear me "Someone should contact the Brea PD so they can contact the concert and make a announcement". One of the sheriff's could have keyed their mike and had dispatch call the Brea PD. Not one moved or reacted. So I had to go home, dig out a phone book, find the non emergency number for the Brea PD and call them. They were nice enough to send a officer out and tell the son what happened. No escort or airlift was offered to him. She died, not sure if before or after her son got to the hosp.
When was the last time you did traffic control for a funeral detail, or did a car stop in complete darkness with unk persons Inside or entered a house with armed suspects inside?... Walk a day in there shoes and see what it's like. Btw apple employees get a discount on products, I'm going to go start a thread on how it's a double standard and I should get the discount too..
Oh, I was not aware that cops had no idea of what the job entailed before becoming a cop.

BTW I deal with traffic every day, without the badge gun and lights.
:mad:Are you kidding me. Theses people put there lives on the line everyday for a modest salary and pension.

I was at a resturaunt a few years back and Steve Martin and family came in. Guess what they got.... "Special Treatment" No wait and the meal was on the house... What BS. THis guy is worth millions and he gets a free meal. Here I am scraping together enough money to take my family out for a nice dinner and I see that!

So before you harp on Police, fire, ems, military, why don't you look at Hollywood 1st.
How about the oscars when they give all those free gift bags to the stars that have thousands of dollars worth of gifts. Why don't they give that stuff to a "blue collar" family.:mad:

When you call 911 your not getting an Apple employee or an "actor" your getting a person that doesn't know you from Adam but is willing to lay his/her life down for you.

Maybe you shouldn't bother calling 911 when you have an emergency. I wouldn't want some undeserving cop to show up:rolleyes:
I was at a resturaunt a few years back and Steve Martin and family came in. Guess what they got.... "Special Treatment" No wait and the meal was on the house... What BS. THis guy is worth millions and he gets a free meal. Here I am scraping together enough money to take my family out for a nice dinner and I see that!

Not to defend the first post because I think it was warranted given the circumstances. But in this instance, the restaurant was probably thinking that if they made a big enough impression on Steven Martin he'd come back and/or invite other celebrities which in turn would draw more customers to stare at the celebrities and drum up more business.
As far as I'm concerned EVERY cop and firefighter in the country deserves all the special treatment we can afford them.
Theses people put there lives on the line everyday for a modest salary and pension.

You call nearly $100K/year plus full medical, retire at 55 with a 90% of highest salary, inflated by putting in lots of OT a modest salary and pension.
Not to defend the first post because I think it was warranted given the circumstances.


Because they were cops. They were not on-duty cops, they were moonlighting.

Because they were seriously injured. Lots of people are seriously injured in TA's but their family is not airlifted to the hosp.
Being a police officer is not even in the top ten of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. The police unions perpetuate this myth that it's extremely dangerous so that they can extort more money from tax payers.

Here is a link to the top 20 most dangerous jobs. Cops come in at #12. Dangerous Jobs - Galleries - The Daily Beast

Using the logic that people use to justify paying police absurd salaries and "hero" worship, we should be paying twice as much for fish, lumber, roofing, meat, construction, trash pickup, electricity (coal), and so on. No one is forced to be a police officer, if you can't handle the risks then maybe you shouldn't be a cop.
Do u make it a point to make a complete jackass out of urself on a daily basis? Howbout post a link so we can read the facts vs. One of ur regurgitated versions of a cop hating thread.
No link, this was on Los Angeles Channel 4 - 5 o'clock news

2 off duty motorcycle cops providing traffic control for a funeral collided with each other, one was thrown into the windshield of a 3rd vehicle. The officers were rushed to a hospital where one died and the other critical. Relatives of the injured cops were AIRLIFTED to the hospital. The accident was in Hawthorne ~12:45pm.

Now while I feel sorry for the officers and their families, what gives them the special treatment to be airlifted to the hosp. Esp since they were off duty earning extra money.
I'm getting real tired of this double standard.

The grandmother next door had a heart attack and her daughter in law didn't know what to do since the son was at a concert somewhere in Brea, about 25 miles away. I told her to go to the hosp. Loudly, so the 4 sheriff's deputies, just standing around, had to hear me "Someone should contact the Brea PD so they can contact the concert and make a announcement". One of the sheriff's could have keyed their mike and had dispatch call the Brea PD. Not one moved or reacted. So I had to go home, dig out a phone book, find the non emergency number for the Brea PD and call them. They were nice enough to send a officer out and tell the son what happened. No escort or airlift was offered to him. She died, not sure if before or after her son got to the hosp.

Officers get special benefits from their departments. Just like car salesman get discounts on cars, burger flippers get free meals, Walmart employees get 15% off while shopping, pimps get free sex from their ladies, etc,etc,etc. In our world each and every person is shown favortism in one way or another. I guess you think that when a officer dies in the line of duty, there should not be a police escort for the family and the hurst.

Unless your one of the commanding officers, the govenor or mayor of this town or city, then mind your own business. They are the ones held responsible if there is a waste of taxpayers money or abuse of power. Too many times people try to get involved or understand something that they know nothing about. If you want to get involved or try and change the policy run for public office or start a petition to get the policy changed. We people as a whole spend to much time worrying about what the "Jones" are doing when we should worry about what we are doing and what we can do to change the world.
Being a police officer is not even in the top ten of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. The police unions perpetuate this myth that it's extremely dangerous so that they can extort more money from tax payers.

Here is a link to the top 20 most dangerous jobs. Cops come in at #12. Dangerous Jobs - Galleries - The Daily Beast

Using the logic that people use to justify paying police absurd salaries and "hero" worship, we should be paying twice as much for fish, lumber, roofing, meat, construction, trash pickup, electricity (coal), and so on. No one is forced to be a police officer, if you can't handle the risks then maybe you shouldn't be a cop.

You tell that to the 70+ police officers that were killed in the line of duty this year alone. Killed trying to protect "YOU". Gunned down just for the title in front of their name "officer/deputy/trooper" When was the last time that a coal miner,pacific crab fisherman had to worry about getting shot or ambushed. I'm not knocking any of those other professions but, they are not killed while trying to protect " YOU". Officer help is the first thing that everyone yells for when they need help from anything from a robbery to a bat in their house and they are the first one to be chastised or critisized when they dont get their immediatley or they issue a ticket or lock someone up.
Officers get special benefits from their departments. Just like car salesman get discounts on cars, burger flippers get free meals, Walmart employees get 15% off while shopping, pimps get free sex from their ladies, etc,etc,etc. In our world each and every person is shown favortism in one way or another. I guess you think that when a officer dies in the line of duty, there should not be a police escort for the family and the hurst.

Unless your one of the commanding officers, the govenor or mayor of this town or city, then mind your own business. They are the ones held responsible if there is a waste of taxpayers money or abuse of power. Too many times people try to get involved or understand something that they know nothing about. If you want to get involved or try and change the policy run for public office or start a petition to get the policy changed. We people as a whole spend to much time worrying about what the "Jones" are doing when we should worry about what we are doing and what we can do to change the world.

We are their commanding officers. They work for us. The USA isn't supposed to be some communist gulag where we are subordinate to the police. We pay their salaries. We also paid for this helicopter ride. Getting 15% off from your place of work is a terrible analogy. They are still paying for the item, and I have personally never heard of a company giving their employees anything UNDER cost. Companies still need to make a profit, and if they raise their prices to compensate for employee benefits, they go out of business.

This flight was 100% paid for by taxpayers, it wasn't 15% off, it wasn't "at cost". There was absolutely no legitimate reason for this complete waste of money other than they can get away with it. They can get away with it because the paying "customers" (taxpayers) have no option but to pay for it, their salaries, and their ridiculous pensions. If you don't shop at walmart no one is going to come and drag you out of your house at gunpoint. If you don't pay the government that is exactly what will end up happening to you.

Now I'm sure the same tired argument is going to be repeated which goes something like this "You'll be the first to call them when you need help!!"
This is circular reasoning. Law enforcement in this country, especially in places like California, have made it to where you do not have the option to defend yourself or your property. You either just allow yourself to be a victim or you HAVE to call the police which generally will do nothing for you. I am armed and perfectly capable of defending my home and myself. The police do not like this, they like a monopoly.
You end up with a situation where the average citizen is afraid of going to prison for defending themselves or their property so you have every reason to just sit there and be a victim.
Pablo I will agree with you that there are problems in the State of California. Me and my family call your state the fruity state, becuase everything that you cant think happens will happen there. Just look at what CPS did with Mariah Carey. I told my wife that if they came to my door with that bul**** complaint I would slam the door in their face and say come back when you have a search warrant. Also not all leo have the great pay, benefits and retirement packages that the California officers have. Makes you wonder why California is in such bad financial shape. Some officers I know are below the poverty level and receive state aid since there salary and benefits are so bad.
Kleptocracy [klep-TOK-ruh-see]: A government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal; rule by a thief or thieves. As Goethe said, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”.

Very recently, the US debt crossed the $14 trillion dollar level and became, by every official estimate, unsustainable. The American economy can no longer pay interest on its outstanding treasury bonds nor sustain the value of its currency. Much of the $14 trillion in US debt is money Americans have borrowed to replace losses by Wall Street of money that never existed in the first place. You can’t make stuff like this up, unless, of course, you are a Wall Street power elite. I have used political correctness to identify the culprits in graff below. Wouldn't want to offend any of you. :rolleyes:

The real war is being waged right now, a big one against the American people, and law enforcement are the enforcers for the criminal Kleptocracy which they use to enforce their onerous laws. The distractive wars half a world away are just a ploy. The real goal is the theft of our freedom in our homeland. The powers that fund all these wars, dont care about backwards nations. The prize is control of the US, and the enslavement of the American people. The sheeple here need to wake up and understand that this is indeed happening. America is going away. The US Constitution does not enforce itself.



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