WHY are ricers such P_ssy's


Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Dam I cannot start or get a red light race with any of these winged warriors??

I take the primered 82 out on Thursday & Fridays after work. These guys are all show & NO GO.. What is with these young guns? or should i say pee shooters.

Just last night I had one in my sights so I speed up to get side by side. We are lined up perfect at red light. I here them disscussing my car among themselves.. Next thing you know
while at the light he pulls over in to the left lane becuse he is such a P_ssy to race :mad:
Maybe they are afraid that your just going to smack into them with your POS! Of course that's what they need:D
Because when the light is red there is a moment of clarity that they are just going to be embarassed by grandpa's Buick..

Originally posted by aperrego
Because when the light is red there is a moment of clarity that they are just going to be embarassed by grandpa's Buick..


I think that's exactly what it is. They're all bad when they're hanging in groups of 15 or 20 in the parking lot at the mall (the "all show" part). Revving at you, staring you down if you dare to use the drive-thru at McDonalds. But get next to them at a light - without the rest of the pack around - things come into focus real quick (the "no go" part"). I seriously think they go WAY out of their way to avoid having to prove how slow their cars are. By travelling together, they can make sure that no one gets next to them at a light but another slow ricer. I very rarely happen upon a ricer alone at a light - yet I see them everywhere. It's truly a mystery.

Originally posted by littlesixsteve
. These guys are all show & NO GO..

That is the defintion of RICER. If they could race, they would be RACERS. :rolleyes:
Maybe they are scared because it's loud and doesn't have a "Melon shooter" out the back:D
The thing that really get's me is the 5 foot tall wing on the back that cost them $500.00 bucks:confused:
What gets me is the 1.5 in exhaust into the 8 inch tailpipe..

Remember the wing is needed so it keeps their rice level at 220 mph :D
They're all bad when they're hanging in groups of 15 or 20 in the parking lot at the mall

theres shaftey in numbers.

yall know with our southern accents down here the importers pronounce racers as ricers. i sould get a video of it some day, they just set in packs calling them selves ricers.
don't you guys know anything, the wing gives them traction. all the rear wheel drive race cars that go over 150mph have them so they need them too:D
Most of them have zero torque and realize it, so they won't race from a dig. They always want to race from a roll, you can get those much more often. It's the same thing as them being more impressed in 1/4 with mph's than they are with ET. Funny, I thought the guy that crossed the line first won.
First off that wing provides the neccessary 6000 pounds of downforce needed for traction on all front wheel drive cars and what i find so funny is that even from a roll they back out alot of the time. I just annoy the hell out of them and they get pissed enough and run then get really pissed when you beat them at their own game(going from a roll):D

the conversion factor for this track is about .4 cause its @ 1300 ft
So on my last run of 16.896 if i dropped my 60' to a 2.4 i would knock off 2 secs plus the conversion factor would be .6 sec that would put me at a 16.2

where i come from when you run a slow time you accept that fact and DONT use "conversion factors" amd "what ifs" to drop over 1/2 second from your times.
wow...can you imagine....17 seconds to get to 83 mph....when a mild TR can do it in the 8.00 sec range...i feel sorry for those guys...
That is the most pathetic thread i think i've ever read. It must be sad to be proud of beating a silverado p/u
I think I could run (on my feet that is) faster than those guys. Think about it guys. If you spend thousands on your car to lower it, put some shiny wheels on it, make it loud, get the wing, funky paint jobs, don't forget that sickening loud radio with the base that shakes the street but you can't understand anything, how do you have any money left to make it go fast?

I took my car out yesterday for a nice ride now that we finally had some nice weather. I had some many people, ricers and non ricers, who rev up their cars, try to lay patches, etc... when they see me sitting at a light or whatever. Nobody ever wants to race me though. All the guys with the big ego always seem to be heading in a different direction than me at the intersections.

One guy had a Blue IROC and he had a huge wing on it. I would have to consider him rice just cuz of the size of his wing. He was a little punk white boy with his friends. He got a little chirp out of his tires when he passed me coming toward me in the other lane. My wife even laughed.
i'm sure you guys wouldn't belive this, i barely belive it. but last night on my way home from work i was stoped at a stop light and you'll never guess what pulled up beside me??? a wanna be caveleer ricer, he only had striped a stereo loud enough that i couldn't hear my car and a 2 foot exhause tip, the exhaust tip classifies him as ricer in my oppinion. he had his girlfriend in the car, i was going to try the thing in gone in 60 secounds where he races the porsche aginst the wrx, but i figured i better not, he wouldnt' hear me over the stereo anyways. i took off nicely and stayed ahead of him, not racing at all then i hear something louder than the stereo, i'm guessing he had a dump or something, it sounded like a poorly tuned pro stock coming at me, not wanting to loose to a caveleer i floored it and even before the turbo spun up i wal allready pulling on him. I don't know why but i don't have too hard of a time finding ricers or other people who want to race, maybe its where I live, i don't know, i've only started one race myself, and that wasn't even with t-type.

The thing i find funniest about these cars is how slow they really are. I have a good friend who has a 93 century beater, i think a 3.3 v6, nothing special at all and he can put up a much better fight then most of these wanna be vin diesels.