Who Has Been Banned Or Had Probation on This Website?

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if your simple minded enough to feel we are better off without folks like Red.
then maybe you should reconsider your responsibilities.
at least have the brains to keep your flapper shut, knowing he can not defend himself.
nothing worse than a one sided argument.
NO, I didn't always agree with him


This is the lounge so Red is fully capable of defending himself. If you don't agree with his views then tell him so. Most of the world except for the "muslum" world doesn't agree with his view of the world though.

I think that's an understatement to say the least.:biggrin:
IVE met shane once along time ago @ a rockingham buick meet when his rosewood t broke a drive shaft. He talked to me like a good ol southern boy. acted like he would give the shirt off his back if i needed it. Ive never had a problem with him. I think he helped the Buick community by buying this board an putting young blood back in it.

Thanks man! That was one heck of a day:eek: I haven't really raced that much since then:tongue:

That is me all day everyday:biggrin: Big ole country boy that loves this community! We are pulling out all the stops in March to bring the best damn Buick event ever!

Far as Red, Red is not banned now... He can't log into the Political forum but he is not banned, at least best I can recall...

The political section does not spill out on the rest of the board IMO either. There are only a hand full of us that post regularly... I have never mentioned someones political or religious beliefs outside of that forum... IMO it keeps the stuff out of the lounge where it could get out of hand quickly...

Banning is our last resort unless it is a new spammer, they get the one touch clean and ban, like they never existed:biggrin: There isn't anything cool about it. I look regularly at the #'s on the board. You go banning people without real good reason and you can can get an empty forum pretty quick... Heck there is several people up here that has STUCK me out of money and I didn't ban them...
I have the PV section blocked from my view. Keeps my blood pressure lower. I get enough dramatic teenage BS from my local car forum
Banning is our last resort unless it is a new spammer, they get the one touch clean and ban, like they never existed:biggrin:

Can I please have those privelages on t6p.... go check out the new posts Big Daddy!

I have the PV section blocked from my view. Keeps my blood pressure lower. I get enough dramatic teenage BS from my local car forum

Me too:cool:
Jay is moving T6P this weekend over... He is hooking up TY with all the goodies, with the shane package:confused: Just enough where I can't tear nothing up:biggrin:
Jay is moving T6P this weekend over... He is hooking up TY with all the goodies, with the shane package:confused: Just enough where I can't tear nothing up:biggrin:


I know Al. Just after I clicked post it was above mine. You're wives must be terribly dissapointed. LOL
if your simple minded enough to feel we are better off without folks like Red.
then maybe you should reconsider your responsibilities.
at least have the brains to keep your flapper shut, knowing he can not defend himself.
nothing worse than a one sided argument.
NO, I didn't always agree with him

Knowing he cannot defend himself? How do u figure that? This is not the PV section, it's the LOUNGE.

He is welcome to come in here and dream about killing women and children like cowards do. He won't tho cause he too cowardly and more concerned about what he can do to kill off the rest of the Jews on this planet then actually typing something accuate.

There is nothing simple minded about having deep rooted hate for people that committ virtually no crimes, pay their taxes, are well educated and contibute to society. I would not call that simple minded. I would simply call that ignorance.

I really do miss making him feel like the POS that he is. So maybe when he is finished beaten off to his Hitler poster he can come in here and defend his cowardly comments......:eek:

There iis nothing one-sided here. Just a one-sided panzy who's feelings got hurt when he was rightfully banned for his evil and ignorant ways that he could never back up with one shed of evidence.

So maybe it's YOU that needs to reconsider your responsibilities for referring that scumbag as a friend of yours.....:rolleyes:
I looked Red up one night and tried to read some of his posts that weren't in the PV section. I went back several years and couldn't find anything. If he posted tech info it was so long ago that it's just dissappered.
Funny, i just came up with 13 pages in general tech, are you so focused on belittling him you try and make stuff up? Couldnt find anything and it just disappeared???:eek:


Were you on this board back in 1999? If you look at everyones join date, 2001. Everything before that is gone, lost forever, unless you use the waybackmachine.

The board had crashed, lots of us were here before 2001...... I remember going to bristol in 1999, tb.com was tiny compared to what it is now... Maybe you were here too, but dont try and blow things out of proportion....


I can't believe people have been banned, since all the insults that are thrown around to board members. It always seems to be the guys who never attend any Buick Events and are "Legends in their own minds". I don't care what people think about me but I do try to show respect for others in this community.
Funny, i just came up with 13 pages in general tech, are you so focused on belittling him you try and make stuff up? Couldnt find anything and it just disappeared???:eek:


Were you on this board back in 1999? If you look at everyones join date, 2001. Everything before that is gone, lost forever, unless you use the waybackmachine.

The board had crashed, lots of us were here before 2001...... I remember going to bristol in 1999, tb.com was tiny compared to what it is now... Maybe you were here too, but dont try and blow things out of proportion....



I lurked for about a year, and no, I wasn't in Bristol. I was working full time, trying to get my shop on its feet, and working on a bachelors degree at the time. Red is only banned from the political section only. It's his choice not to post anywhere else. As far as the link you posted this is what I got when I clicked on it.

"Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. "

That's a copy/paste btw.

I forgot to add that I didn't do a forum by forum search I clicked on his name and looked at his profile then clicked on "find posts". I litterally went through several years from his most recent post back and never came up with any tech stuff. All I ever saw was the typical posts I was used to seeing from him. The only other thing I saw was "for sale" posts where he was trying to sell vac brake conversions. Sorry but I did it the hard way trying to figure out more about him. The sad thing is I couldn't find anything but hate and sales.
you are correct all mighty rooster

and this is the pot belly women that banned me, Gary you are a two faced pot belly women

Aw, Zig, I thought that we were best of friends. Hey, I hear that you sold your wagon.

I heard that it was such a "Frankenstein" that nobody could get it running right.

Zig, you had nine incidents of infractions over a period of about a year. 9 Zig, in a year.

Don't worry, it's not like I don't miss you.

Hey, dude, have a great day.

someone left the door open, and the riff raff came in,
I'm sure he will be banned AGAIN, hopefully!
this board doesn't need trouble makers like him.
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