Who has a wii?

Keep checking toysrus online. They get them in randomly and when they do they are the regular price...
Up here we have had luck with Target. We got the unit a couple weeks ago and got the Brunswick bowling game also. We paid just over $300 with a second controller. My mom got the system just after Christmas and spent $249 with one controller.

I am surprised to see they don't have HDMI out, but the system is pretty cool and it is a good system for the family to enjoy. I haven't hooked up the the NET yet, the PS3 is for that!!! :eek:
Part of the fun (for me) for the Wii, was the hunt. Now that I actually have one (and a few games), I hardly ever play it. I spend most of my time on the PC, or watching TV.
we have Wii all over town here. i have gotten a few for a couple board members already. anyways i really dont care for the Wii some games are all right but im more of a Xbox360/ PS3 Guy
Just got a Wii this morning... only waited about an hour in the cold! We played for about 5 hours, napped, and are playing mario galaxy now. AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for the tip ttypewe4jim! We will have to meet up sometime! Anyone know the secret to the fast serve in tennis? Hit the ball at its peak?
My brother has one and I bought one for my aunt. It's a pretty cool system and I have to say I never thought my aunt would play video games. Also I saw on the news that they use the Wii for physical rehab patients as it helps with coordination. I've been meaning to buy one from work to resell but I keep forgetting.
Anyone know the secret to the fast serve in tennis? Hit the ball at its peak?

Wife and I were trying to figure that out for a few hours! Still don't know how it's done. Found the wii this morning, but didn't pick up any extra games with it. Played the Raymen Rabbids last week, and that's a blast:D
Just got a Wii this morning... only waited about an hour in the cold! We played for about 5 hours, napped, and are playing mario galaxy now. AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for the tip ttypewe4jim! We will have to meet up sometime! Anyone know the secret to the fast serve in tennis? Hit the ball at its peak?

SWEET man glad I could help! I knew my buddy was talking about it up at the station earlier that day. Just kind of weird someone from the area starts asking about getting a wii that night LOL :D Where you one of the last people to get one? How many people showed up?
My brother has one and he has had a few guys over and they end up spending 3-4 hrs doing the Boxing against each other.
