

New Member
May 26, 2001
i just got my motor and my rebuilt 2004r fired up. I am noticeing a sounds like a super charger whine i have a 2800 stall converter i dont know if that would whine or maybe its the pump? It only does it in drive not in neutral or park. Thanks, Ian:confused:
Based on your description, it's safe to say that the converter is the guilty party here.
It could be pump if they mixed and matched pump halfs. Early and late will whine if mixed up. It could also be low fluid. ahhh could also be a cavataion such as cracked filter neck or o ring leak in suction tube.
Just guesses but definitly a possibility.:)
Bruce is right but the part about no noise in Park/Neutral sways me towards the converter. When the transmission is dropped into gear, the load induced on the converter internals changes and if there's a problem, it be amplified.