where to get a new ECM for my 86 GN?




Need a new ECM for my 86 GN due to my carelessness. Installing a chip the other day and fat-fingered it in wrong, bent some pins. Carefully bent them back but it's just ain't right ever since. T-link now says the eprom and calpack is bad. Tried other chips, still the same thing so I will replace the calpack and ECM. Went to Autozone, they have the ECM from an replacement supplier. Anyone ever used one of these? Just wondering if someone knows a reputable place to get a good ECM and calpack. I'm ok with installing non-Biuck brake pads on my baby but I'm a little leery about installing a no-name ECM, know what I mean? Thanks.
ECM is available from your GM dealer...they call it a reman unit but they don't take cores so I would believe that they are new stock and they're just unloading them. Sort of what they did with all the other critical (MAF sensor, CAM sensor) sensors.

John Spina
I kept my two stock ECM's unmodified and bought two from Red Regal T for the Direct Scan mods.

Both work great.

You need your main chip and Calpak chip from the GN or TR though.