When your car breaks down, move it ASAP!


Senior Member
May 24, 2001
Dead Cardinal pitcher's dad sues sports bar - Baseball - MSNBC.com

This is just nuts. I can sorta see going after the sports bar, since Im in one of those positions that I have to decide to sell or not, and when to cut people off sometimes. But, to go after everyone else is just wrong. And the only reason this case is going anywhere is because of the celebrity of the situation. If Joe Schmo had been in this spot, it would have been dismissed already. To lose someone is tragic, but put the blame where its due. :rolleyes:
me, and everyone else I know personally in the st. louis area think this is good ol'fashion scum bag white trash lookin for more $$$. and doin it at the expense of his sons already badly tarnished reputation considering they found weed in his car, and his rep with constantly getting drunk, showing up late, or not at all, to the games. bartenders and restaurants are not baby sitters. Everyone knows their limits, When someone chooses to get blitzed, knowing they may end up getting behind the wheel of a car,...well, they get what they deserve. Thank god he didn't take out some innocent family, which is what usually happens. No, wait, I think god should be sued also for making it night, which made it harder for him to see that stopped tow truck from behind the wheel. :rolleyes:
Yes the lawsuit is complete BS. Going after the persons car who broke down and the tow truck driver is so stupid its amazing. Blaming the bar or anyone with him that night is equally dumb because when he was leaving he said he was just going across the street to the hotel. So it was his fault, and his fault alone for what happened to him. No st.louisians are backing the father, except maybe his sleazy lawyer.
bartenders and restaurants are not baby sitters. Everyone knows their limits, When someone chooses to get blitzed, knowing they may end up getting behind the wheel of a car,...well, they get what they deserve.

While true, the alcohol providers are not supposed to be babysitters, they are somewhat responsible for the individual. One of my jobs requires me to sell beer and liquor from time to time. It is my responsibility to make sure they are of age, and to judge if they are already intoxicated. If John Doe comes in and wants a 30 pack of Keystone (bleh) but reeks of beer and is stumbling around, I have to refuse to sell to him. We had to have the cops drag a guy out just a week ago who wouldn't leave after we refused to sell to him. Its part of NYS liquor law. The store and I can get sued, fined, I lose my job, etc. I also have a good female friend bartender, and she is put in that same spot countless times. If a guy who can barely stand comes up and asks her for another round, its her job to refuse it. NYS sends in stings to check for this stuff, and we sign a form every month which they keep on record.

Not everyone knows their limits. Whens the last time youve been fall down drunk and been 100% in control of your senses? Granted, anyone he was there with should have stepped in, but ultimately it is the job of the server to quit serving. Not everyone knows enough to stop when they're plastered. And they don't always get what they deserve, sometimes someone else pays for their stupidity. :(
The problem today is no one wants to accept responsibility for their own actions. I wish the courts and lawyers change their way of thinking.

-Lady spills hot coffee on herself while driving then sues McDonalds.
-Burgular breaks a leg while robbing a house and sue the home owner.
-Lady stick a dog inside inside microwave to dry.
-Get caught speeding. Accept it that you were going over the speed limit, period
-You start a fight, get your a$$ kicked and then you sue the person that kicked your a$$

Billy T.
The problem today is no one wants to accept responsibility for their own actions. I wish the courts and lawyers change their way of thinking.

-Lady spills hot coffee on herself while driving then sues McDonalds.
-Burgular breaks a leg while robbing a house and sue the home owner.
-Lady stick a dog inside inside microwave to dry.
-Get caught speeding. Accept it that you were going over the speed limit, period
-You start a fight, get your a$$ kicked and then you sue the person that kicked your a$$

Billy T.
:confused: If a bar or resturant sells alcohol to a patron that is visibly drunk or continues to serve them to a point that they are drunk and then that person crashes while driving, that establishment is liable in the majority of states that I know of. I believe rightfully so. Why should I (or you) be endangered by a drunk driver that was supplied by an establishment that knowingly provided alcohol to someone that was over the limit? I know in NH and MA it's that way. In MA: Any person licensed to serve alcohol may not serve intoxicated persons. To do so may result in civil liability for injuries caused by the intoxicated person and/or suspension or revocation of the license to sell liquor. M.G.L.c.138, #69. If their negligence cause harm to me or my family you bet you ass I would sue! It's their responsiblity to make sure they don't serve someone that's too drunk. A liquor store in MA recently refused to allow the sale of booze to a customer that was visibly drunk. The guy left the store and promptly got into an accident in a school zone. He was a repeat offender in several states. That employee of the liquor store called the police right after that guy left. They were on the lookout for him when he crashed. The employee did the right thing and may have saved someone's life to boot. BTW, that same negligence goes for people that have a party and serve alcohol and then let people drive drunk home. We have had several cases of that here in NH where the person throwing the party got sued for letting guests drive away drunk and crashed.
nope! this guy was not stumbling around drunk, and this is not a falling down drunk and not knowing 100% of my situation type of thing. If theres going to be laws where bartenders have to start giving breathalizers right there on the spot whenever they think someones too drunk, then, so be it, I guess. That would kind of make them babysitters (from my viewpoint).
I'm not standing on top of this guys grave and pointing my finger and laughing. He had a history of drinking too much, for quite some time, and nobody will convince me he didn't know better. the guy could wake up in the morning, put his own pants on, and go down to the park and pitch a decent game of baseball, and (I) choose to believe that he knew damn well when he was going to put down X amount of alcohol, he probably shouldn't be getting behind the wheel of a vehicle later, just like most of us know. Those that don't, (I) believe at least knew at one point in their life, and now are in the obvious "dont serve them anymore (or) at all" situation.

I have seen bars offer breathalizers for testing and have heard of training for bartenders that teaches ways to field test people without them knowing it. The threat of loosing the liquor license and being sued is a good deterant to serving people that have had too much to drink. If that keeps drunks off the road then that's fine with me.