What The Heck is Going on....


Starvin Like Marvin...
Aug 9, 2009
Youve probably heard me bit*h about my shop class.. .ALOT, but this takes the cake. I recently had a blade pulled on me in class, and pressed in my stomach, and a piece of trim slapped across my back hard enough to bend it. One of my partners has been "fuming" latley and recently said some things that nearly cost him a beatdown by me and other members of my shop. I dont care that he is 5 foot nothing in high heels, you DONT press a knife into my stomach saying that ill stab you over me taking his seat (on a damn dodge wheel:mad:) without me Stomping him on the curb (which im/other people in the shop are tempted to do). Im in a bad situation here. Im about 6 weeks to graduation so if I f*ck up not its all bad, my counselor is not happy with me "OR" my parents becuase she made a mistake that we called her on and decided to take her aggresion out on me, my instructor has no balls and runs to my counselor (who as mentioned before doesnt care too much for me), and If I have to deal with him or any other of his friends... I WILL go to jail... case closed, and at this point seems to be worth it. If I Dont do something now, either I, or half of the students in the shop are gonna jump on him. I try to be a cool guy, Ill take chit, but being rude to me, belittleing me (and hes 5'nothing":mad:), and calling other people around me the "N" word, Lord Im gonna blow a gasket and end up doing something Ill regret... And who knows what Im capable of doing.
Peeps around me are at the point where they just want me to stomp on this guy, but regardless Were partners on a Cummins that has got to get done, and I try to be the better person in the situation and put up with chit, but theres only so much I can take.....

All in all What should I do... Go to jail, finish school.. Then go to jail, Keep getting disrespected/other students who dont deserve it, or just keep taking chit.:mad:
So close to graduation don't blow it! Let the douchebag bother someone else and let them knock him down. Get out and on with you're life. Jail is nowhere to start. And for God's sakes move away from there when your done.
"Keep getting disrespected/other students who dont deserve it, or just keep taking chit"

You aren't there to make friends. Who cares what anyone of these people think? You are at the beginning of your life and they are "dust in the wind".

The best you can do is just be there and do what needs to be done. I don't think you will be graded on beating someone into a curb.

The best revenge in life - is to live it happy and content. This dude is still going to be bi-polar and a problem throughout his entire life. Let him be a story in yours and nothing more.

Don't concern yourself with the teacher or the counselor, they are people you will step over to get ahead in life. Each one of these little trials prepares you for what's ahead....choose how to react carefully.
you said it yourself you used the word regret look finish school and make a life for yourself trust me life goes by so quickly never put yourself in a spot that jail is a part of come on man your smarter than that :biggrin:
Hang in there for just a few more weeks, Man! I know it's easy for all of us to sit here and tell you that when we're not the ones being subjected to it, but sometimes you just have to take the high road and be the better man. Think long-term...bullies will always be bullies and if this d**khead gets you worked up enough to retaliate, he wins. Ten years from now, you'll be out there earning a good living and he'll be driving to work in his POS, asking you if you want fries with your Big Mac. :cool:
I think you really need to stay away from people for a while. :eek:

Maybe jail isn't a bad idea, solitary works for that. ;)

Really, you need to concentrate on important things, NOT other people, especially other people with knives or more power than you have.

Let go of all of the aggression and confrontation. :)

Befriend some stoners or somethin'. :cool:
Hang in there for just a few more weeks, Man! I know it's easy for all of us to sit here and tell you that when we're not the ones being subjected to it, but sometimes you just have to take the high road and be the better man. Think long-term...bullies will always be bullies and if this d**khead gets you worked up enough to retaliate, he wins. Ten years from now, you'll be out there earning a good living and he'll be driving to work in his POS, asking you if you want fries with your Big Mac. :cool:

to be honest, hell probably end up better that I will. I wont be finishing autobody, i just want to finish my academics and get the hell out.
to be honest, hell probably end up better that I will. I wont be finishing autobody, i just want to finish my academics and get the hell out.

Then do just that. No more, no less. It doesn't matter if he goes further in school than you do. One day he will piss off or pull a knife on the wrong dude. Every shop has a dude like this...and this dude has a laundry list of previous jobs.

Keep moving forward.
Then do just that. No more, no less. It doesn't matter if he goes further in school than you do. One day he will piss off or pull a knife on the wrong dude. Every shop has a dude like this...and this dude has a laundry list of previous jobs.

Keep moving forward.

I will. Its so hard not to stomp on this dude. It would be a one sided fight on my behalf though. Thats another reason why I dont do anything.

Be Warned if he does pull another knife on me, we will have problems:mad:
I will. Its so hard not to stomp on this dude. It would be a one sided fight on my behalf though. Thats another reason why I dont do anything.

Be Warned if he does pull another knife on me, we will have problems:mad:

Ramone, I don't know the stress of the situation, but I suggest calming down a little. Trust me, it helps make you think more logically. I know fighting seems like the best idea, but it definitely is not. Especially against a deadly weapon such as a knife. My question is, why the hell does this kid have a beef with you?
I will. Its so hard not to stomp on this dude. It would be a one sided fight on my behalf though. Thats another reason why I dont do anything.

Be Warned if he does pull another knife on me, we will have problems:mad:

Back when I was in high school, if someone did that to me, (and it was) I beat them half to death and never regretted it.

Now days, you CAN'T do that.....so listen....why haven't you called the police and filed assault charges on him? Huh? Why not? You should be ahead of the situation if you've got several buddies there who saw that idiot pull a knife on you, so please, from me, do the right thing and call the cops and file charges....NOW. Then you'll be way, way ahead of the situation if that coward pulls another stunt like that on you....as it'll be on notice with the cops....and if the coward does pull it out again, run like a SOB!!! Don't try to be Bruce Lee, it won't work, just divorce yourself from the situation as fast as you can. You're not a coward outrunning a knife....think about that. You can get yourself killed for crap's sake!! Be safe and leave fast!!

You DO NOT need a negative record to follow you all the rest of your life.

How did I get away from beating the school bullies unconcious? Simple...I was under 18 years old and never ran from the situation....they were always situations when they started picking on me, hitting me, spitting on me, etc. because I wore glasses, wore a hearing aid (which made me "different"), and talked kind of funny due to my profound hearing loss....but I never put up with the coward bullies who were in my school...soon word got around that bullies would get hurt if they picked on Bruce....and yes, even my school was on my side..how about that?

Sure, walking away from one situation from bullies at a nighttime basketball game at school was thought to be the "right" thing to do...which I did, I took my girl and left....mind you, I had been out of the hospital only three weeks from nearly dying from a ruptured appendix infection.

Half mile from school, 10:00PM, at a wooded area, I was surrounded by 12 of the cowards with the head bully.....yep, outnumbered big time.....I took the first crack to my face by the bully which sent me to the ground....whoo, hard one, spitting out grass....then I got up and beat the living **** out of him, ended up being pulled off of him as I was choking him unconscious, his coward buddies dragging him and shoving him into the passenger side of a '55 Chevy, to which when I got up, saw the door open and both of the bully's legs sticking out, ran as fast as I could and body slammed the door shut on his legs, breaking both. Then they sped off with the bully screaming at the top of his lungs in pain. The senior class arrived in cars, then the police arrived and didn't blame me at all, they even gave me and my girl a ride home. (I was only in ninth grade at the time)

Years later, in 11th grade, I was practicing on the bowling team and who was in the lane next to me? Yep, that very same bully, who, to my amazement, let me bowl first, then apologized to me for being such jerk. We found out that we both had the measles at the age 7 to which I lost my hearing and he lost his right eye...it was glass!!!! That guy told me I was the first person to ever take him on at school, and the senior class set fire to his car for what he did to me (jumping my girl and I.)

We parted friends.

This was one of the MANY times I had to deal with the coward bullies in three different schools...and it was bad sometimes. I got hurt bady a lot as in any fight. But I never lost or quit either. I never went to jail or was arrested because I never ran and could always prove that the bullies started the trouble....seems they always needed an audience to start their crap, too stupid to know that they are witnesses to the situation and the witnesses never were on their side.

Today, if this happened, I would have been shot full of holes while on the ground, stabbed,then kicked to death and probably ran over with a car, then my parent's house would be machined gunned then burned to the ground....such as the world today. Sigh.

Please take note that times have changed....no one fights fair anymore...all cowards do now is pull knives, pull guns, poke out your eyes, pour acid on you, the basic coward bully tactics of today. Please note that. You can be RIGHT, but DEAD RIGHT...a knife or gun doesn't give a damn how RIGHT you are....get my drift?

So.....do yourself a favor and take it from a former expert fighter of the OLD DAYS, go to the police and file charges...you'll be doing the right thing and being safe....the first to file charges always has the upper advantage on this bad situation....but don't go to jail......it's bad, I know, I've been there and it's something I've never been proud of, and it'll never happen again to me.

Go to the Cops...they are your friends, that's what they are being paid to do, to protect YOU.....you don't need a bad record, as it'll affect you negatively the rest of your life.

Remember, life today is not like the old days or in the movies....it's real vicious and nasty and can hurt you bad, even kill you. I, as well of the rest of the well meaning guys here on this board, DON'T want that to happen to you. Capise?;)

Go to the cops. Please, OK? You're a good guy, so STAY that way.

Your friend with the GN

Bruce '87 Grand National
You had best think before you do stupid things.


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I think you'll realize after you are out of high school that this crap means nothing. Young people think much more dramatically than older people and want or need the attention or the "status." Once you get older, have kids, slow down some, you'll look back and realize how meaningless this individual is.

Dont skip out on shop class becuase of this dooshbag. Stick with it and finish the class. You being there and standing strong might teach this dude that his drama doesnt effect you. Then he'll move on to other people and eventually will label himself as a criminal.