What the...check out this Lambo clone for $55,000 on CL

That car is longer and wider than the fiero was, who would pay that for a conversion into a lambo?
You could buy at least 2 of the cars listed in the cars for sale section on here for what that person is asking.
Can only imagine how much fun it'd be putting insurance on that car and unless you had a garage to store it in, would be a magnet to be stolen.
Someone spent a ton of money to get that car to look like that.
What did they hit their head on?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I would have to drop in a supercharged 3800 like in my grand prix and I bet that thing would move. For 55,000 I could buy a slightly used z06, viper, stage 2 limited with enclosed trailer and golf cart, etc.
:eek:That guy is asking way to much:eek: