What should i do??


GN comming soon
Nov 19, 2002
I really want to get a GN,
Should i get one with high miles and sink 5K to get the engine and trans rebuilt. Or just save 8-9k and buy one with lower miles? I love thees cars like a fat boy loves cake, and i can't wait to get my hands on one.
I know this is a very open ended question just hoping someone will chime in that has already been in my shoes. :)
Buy the best car you can afford. Wait a little longer until you can get a nice, well cared for example. What is cheap at first becomes more expensive in the long run.
Buy the lowest mileage car that you can afford. Will pay off in the long run. Be patient and do some research before buying. Don't be afraid to ask questions here and on the other boards. Lots of knowledgeable people here.

I was lucky enough to find one with 4700 miles on it but paid the price for it too.:D Mine was already modified just a bit with aftermarket wheels, lowered and a Ford 9" rear in it. (seemed to be a waste of money in my opinion but what the hell) Only mods under the hood was a K&N filter. I've made a few changes to it since then.

I wasn't looking for a bone stock car as I was planning to modify it anyway and it worked out fine for me. Only problem was a leaky rear main seal once I started driving it. But guess what, they all leak anyway.:) :D
Low milage can also be a bad thing. Letting a car sit for long periods of time is sometimes worse than driving the hell out of one.

Unless the car has been driven every month, I'd stay away from very low mileage cars... unless you're just looking for garage art.
My T has less than 1,000 miles. My GN had less than 4,000 miles when I bought it a few years ago. So much for that campfire story.

My advice is - spend a little more money - and buy a good one. You'll be ahead in the long run. I spent a lot of money restoring the 2nd of 3 GNs I've owned and while it was fun and I learned a lot, when the car was done it wasn't nearly as nice as the one I have now.

There's a lot of crap out there now. Lots of rustmobiles. Lots of cars that have had the snot beaten out of them.

If you plan to spend in the $12K - $14K range you'll get a very nice example that won't be trying to suck your wallet out of your pants for the next 2 or 3 or 4 years.

Good luck!