What scan tool to use?


Sep 24, 2002
I need some kind of diagnostic tool for my GN. I want something fairly comprehensive. I have a laptop I can use. Do I need stand alone equipment? Do I need just a cable to connect my laptop to the car or is there a device that translates between the car and the laptop? Is there software that I can use without the expense of equipment at all? Please help!
Hey, Lugnutz, didn't mean to sound like you couldn't ask questions, just thought it would be better if you started with what Ken has already written up.
Thanks. I found that page about five minutes after I posted. What are anyone's opinions about the different products? The Turbolink sounds more like what I was looking for. BTW, do the terms C3 and P4 refer to ECM types? If so, which is an 87'GN?
C3 and P4 are ecm types. The TR's use the C3 ecm, the old style with 160 baud aldl data which gives a frame every 1.3-1.4 seconds or so. The P4's came out in the early 90's, I think, and mostly have 8192 baud data streams for much better data logging (some still had 160 baud data, and I think some even could do both). For troubleshooting and tuning on lots of vehicles TurboLink is great. For real hardcore racing (especially cars under 12 seconds), and for chip development, that data rate hurts and a lot of people go to DirectScan.
where can i buy a scan tool the turbolink ? i have an 85 by gona upgrade to 87 style ecm coil module etc so what is my best option
Scan at discount

Is there a less expensive setup than the one in the link above? I dont' want to race just tune the car well.
Do a search both here and on google (or whatever) for "WinALDL". This is a freeware program that lets you use a laptop as an aldl scan tool, like TurboLink but you have to build your own cable and the display and logging aren't nearly as nice. That's the cheapest way to get started I know of.