What News story or Celebrity are you sick of hearing about?

I try my best to block out anything celebrity related, but I am pretty sick of Madonna.. She was irrelevent 10 years ago, why are we still hearing about her?
Paris the Pig Hilton
Michael Jerksome
Newest, Brad Armpits and Jenifer Nippleston
not forgetting J-low's bullit proof ass
94.7 here in Chicago--------Stop with the Dime Bag Darrel SH!T........................OK its sad but move on...

BEN Afflact is still BEN-IFER sine he is dating Jennifer Garner:D :D :D
fed up with pretty much everybody in holly-wierd who pissed and moaned about how the U.S. government isn't doing enough to help the tsunami victims, while they go get fitted for new gowns, tuxes, and jewelry for the oscars.............
Scott Peterson
Let the scumbag rot in jail without being in everywhere on tv!!
Every one of them. Seems that they think their opinion matters on everything. If they arent acting or singing they should shut the hell up, no one cares about them. Somehow it always applies to their political views, like they are the experts and us stupid people should listen to them.

Originally posted by 87GN_ponykillr
Ashlee Simpson & her sister :rolleyes:

It amazes me that someone with NO TALENT can be so popular.

Brad and Jennifer. Who cares?
Kobe Bryant ("...like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives...")
Barry Bonds
Terrell Owens
Randy Moss