What does "below 0" weather feel like?

Actually it's not that bad, it's a dry cold. ;)

Well until your fingers start cracking and splitting open... :eek:

If you have to do anything on the car you just leave the motor running and take your chances. :eek: ;)
At around 15° and below the snow sounds like styrofoam when you walk on it.

And, to put things in persepctive it was 14° today on Mars where our exploration rover is sunbathing.
its the upper 70s here and its chilly :)

i get cold thinking about snow.

if its cold out side and i am in it i better be hunting. that is the only way i go out when its cold!

i love AZ mid january and the college girls got short shorts on!

i was born & raised in chicago & 0 degrees & wind chill factor is like polar bear weather, tears in your eyes turn to icesickles & your nose get the running and then you have snotsickles. that cold air from lake michigan would make you walk down the streets with your back toward the wind. i was a mail carrier back there & 2 pair of gloves on wouldn't help too much, i would carry a cigarette lighter to keep warm & sometimes would have to wrap my hands around the family jewels to keep from getting frostbite. i would feel sorry for people standing on the corner waiting on the bus. cold weather is no joke.
Its almost as bad as paying twice the price for everything because you live on an island.;) :D ....sorry, hadda make myself feel a little better.
Re: Re: What does "below 0" weather feel like?

Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Hey Geoff, Go _____ yourself:D

Where's that smiley with the middle finger when I need it?!? :D ;)

By the way what does it feel like to be 60 in january?

I dunno.... since it's like 70 something right now. :D

I said that I wear a jacket when it does get into the 60's! :D LOL

See you at one of the Buick races Otto!:cool:
Re: sub zero temps

Originally posted by re-evaluating
Hey Geoff old friend I guess I should have planned that trip out to see you about now..

Yeah, and bring some cool weather with you when you do!:D

You know it is cold when you walk out to start you car and the snot freezes in you nose from the house to the car. .

Can't even imagine that. -Could be fun at times though, right? :D

Hope all is well with you and yours this cold winter Geoff. Drop me an email one of these days.. Take care all and stay warm...

Thanks Dave! Hope all is well with you and your family as well. Take care!:)

Ill be at BG and Vegas again Geoff, Hope to see you at one or the other.
If you want miserable, back when I was in Calgary, it didn't get above -38 (no windchill, just -38) for over 40 days straight, and was getting to -48 at night. Dam!n! VERY cold. It usually will hit that a few times during the winter, but breaks it up with some really decent days, with the occasional tshirt weather from the chinook winds off the mountains. You plug the car in, and it still just barely starts.

One morning, I came out, started the car before going back in for my shower (it takes about 15-20 minutes to get the car to a state where you want to be in it) and put on the wipers to clear some snow, and noticed something bizarre. The poor little neighborhood squirrel had hopped up there to get some engine heat when I came home the night before. Froze the poor little bugger right to the wiper, so back and forth he went, frozen solid.

Naturally, it was necessary that morning to stop for a hot chocolate at the 7-11, park right in front of the doors with the wipers going. I come out to find a woman standing transfixed at the sight of the squirrel going back and forth. I got in and drove away and she just stood there and watched. I get a laugh out of that every time I think of it. But I feel bad for the poor little nut cracker.
60' is cold to you is it? I am in shorts once the high 40's low 50's hit my area. I live a few minutes south of Worcester, MA where it was -40' with the windchill factor last Thursday night/Friday morning. It was so cold that I had my thermostat set at 72' and it would only get to 60' and my house is only 7 years old so its not like the windows are old and stuff and letting a lot of draft in. it was so cold that if I turned the hot water on in my kitchen sink I had to wait about 4-5 minutes for the water to heat up. It was so cold my car, which usually heats up by the time I get on the highway (1 mile from my house) last week it wouldn't produce heat until about 30 minutes into my commute, even after starting it 5 minutes before I left for work.

I don't normally complain about the weather here in New England but that SUCKED!
Originally posted by Geoff87
Just curious how bad that is....

I wear a jacket when it's in the 60's here!:D

i think i hate you...;)
thats why i'm going to hawaii for college!!!

but seriously its bad. whevever you breathe you see your breath, the colder it is the worse the steam is. if its really cold you can't see when you breathe. the cold air makes your lungs burn and your nose run. your fingers and toes feel completely frozen, you can't move your fingers the way you want to.

but the good part is when you come inside you can run your hands under cold water, and it feels really good.

your not missing anything!
Originally posted by Geoff87
What does "below 0" weather feel like?Just curious how bad that is.... :D

Oh you're a funny man over there, Geoff !! :D

It's like the top of Haleakala at 4am in your shorts, only 40 degrees colder !! ;)

Mike [:)
I say all of us noreasterners get together and buy him a plane ticket to Mount Washington NY. :D Typically they see 40-50 below 0, before the wind. Nothing like first-hand experience!!!
Tonite here its gonna get to about 4 below, with windchills of about 20-30 below.
I just went out a couple of hours ago to get a late night snack. It was about 2 above, but windchills of 20 below. I had on: 2 heavy sweaters, 2 pairs of jeans, my winter coat, a hat and gloves. If there is any decent wind, I get out my full-face mask to keep my ears and nose from freezing.
The AWD loves the snow, but really isn't liking the cold too much. I have been getting some nasty belt whine and my tires arent holding air very well.
My hot water pipe to the kitchen has been froze for days now. The drain for the tub is also froze. At least the water in the bathroom sink and toilet still work......for now.
I would much rather see 2' of snow if it was at least 25-30 above than this below zero crap. Average highs this time of year are supposedly around 28 above!!! :(
Originally posted by SilverSleeper
My hot water pipe to the kitchen has been froze for days now. The drain for the tub is also froze. At least the water in the bathroom sink and toilet still work......for now.

You don't sound all that panicked about it :eek: My kitchen pipes frozen this weekend and it was not pretty. The leaks were pinholes, so I didn't notice the water for several hours.

Mike [:)
Originally posted by kgouldsk
If you want miserable, back when I was in Calgary, it didn't get above -38 (no windchill, just -38) for over 40 days straight, and was getting to -48 at night. Dam!n! VERY cold. It usually will hit that a few times during the winter, but breaks it up with some really decent days, with the occasional tshirt weather from the chinook winds off the mountains. You plug the car in, and it still just barely starts.

I grew up in Northern Canada. The temps you described are snowmobliling weather. One Jan it was -50 for almost 4 weeks and that was in the day time. The over night temp hovered around -58 to -60. One block heater did nothing, it was like trying to start your car in -40 unplugged.
Originally posted by j-lantern
Got this forwarded to me this morning. It is pretty accurate. By the way, for those curious about the single digits and below, beer at foxboro stadium during the Patriots game last Sunday would start to freeze in under 5 minutes.

I was at that game. Boy did that stink. I couldn't finish my beer, at least not without a spoon. This is how cold it was. When I was able to move, I would take my gloved hand to fix the scarf covering my face. I continually had peel one hand off of the scarf with the other. When I pushed it up to my face, it froze to my glove. Good game though, and definately worth it!

When the Pats got a touchdown, some guys a couple of rows in front of me were high fiving each other. One rocket scientist did it with a beer in his hand(maybe he couldn't put it down). Well, the kid directly in front of me got a small shower with it. Good news though. By the time it hit him, it was slush. That's cold!

I was born in Scottsdale and have lived in Scottsdale all my life. I still think 70 is pretty damn chilly. What a brilliant idea to go to Evanston, IL for college where I got my first dose of really cold weather. I only lasted a year there before transferring back here to ASU. If you're not used to it, that type of weather can actually throw you right into clinical depression, as I learned...
You should visit Wisconsin. I think it's the only place on the planet were it can be 60 one day -20 the next then get a foot of snow and warm back up to the 50's all in the same week. I don't know why I live here ,but it where Ive been born and raised.

To answer the question it seems like once you hit 0 degrees anything colder does not really matter. In flat out hurts......