what does a charcoal canister do?


New Member
Jun 13, 2002
on my 87 GN what the heck does that charcoal canister do besides get in the way of my filter?i know i can move it but can i just take it off?has anyone ever taken theirs off?will it affect the way my car runs?
kinda like pollution control,it takes the vented gas fumes and runs them through the canister so there are no harmful vapors going anywhere they shouldn't.Mine hasn't been on for years,never changed the way the car ran.Put it in a box on a shelf.Besides think of all the weight you'll save...LOL
ok,if i take it off what do i do with the hoses?plug them off or leave them open?do i need to do anything to the wires or just unplug them?
I've had mine removed for 3 years now with no ill effects. Just unplug the sensor, tuck the harness out of the way. Disconnect the 2 vaccum lines. Unbolt the cannister and tuck it away somewhere in your garage. Totally remove the hose coming off of the metal lines by the intake and put a vaccum cap on the line. For the other line attach a small fuel filter to the end of it. This will filter out any fumes coming from it. GOOD LUCK...
Hey Sliver...whats you address? I'm getting my mailing addresses updated to sent to the EPA...Happy Holidays
Originally posted by SilverTType
on my 87 GN what the heck does that charcoal canister do besides get in the way of my filter?i know i can move it but can i just take it off?has anyone ever taken theirs off?will it affect the way my car runs? ps. I love David Miller

You may as well take it off now before the Warp blows it, your doors, and the PU$$Y KNeal turbo you're running off!
Re: Re: what does a charcoal canister do?

Originally posted by Warp6
You may as well take it off now before the Warp blows you, your buddies, and the PU$$Y KNeal!
maybe if i ever get the rest of my parts you will get the chance to do that Warp!