vss speedometer pulse value


Oct 6, 2004
does anyone know where I can find this info for buick gn?
working on vdo speedo calibration before I start hunting down 1 mile markers

have a gnx style dash and working out the bugs one at a time

thanks in advance
The standard for buicks is 2000 ppm. Most speedos are calibrated for 1000 rpm @60 mph at the speedo head, or speed cable rpm
I dont know about the VDO setup, but the number i gave you is in pulses per mile. Do you have a link on what vdo setup you have? Also i made an error speedos are setup to run 1001 rpm @60 mph, not 1000 rpm
Norbs thanks for your input
the vdo has a 5 digit I used
thats seemed to put me in the correct area

My speedo is still reading too fast anyone who has theirs setup could I please get your pulse values off your vdo speedometer\
