Very S L O W ????


Aug 19, 2002
I only check in here 1 or 2 times a week but have noticed the last few weeks the response time is Very slow and draggy.....

It doesn't happen on any other boards I frequent So I dont think its on my end.....??

Is any one else experiencing this problem ??

(PS - I tried doing a search on this and it just hung waiting to show results.....)

SunSpots and Solar FLares maybe ?? :confused:
Yes, this board is painfully slow. I'm not complaining here, what I'm saying is that Bruce is paying for a service that isn't being rendered. I've about given up on this board due to it being so slow!!:mad: I'm on a t1 line at work and cable at home, and this board takes about 2-3 times longer to load then a 28.8 modem.

Sometimes its fine and then 5 minutes later its slow. I logged on the other day and it said the server is too busy.