Valve Job?


Jun 17, 2004
stock cast iron heads off of my 87 GN. If I where to have a valve job done what kind of angle would you guys recommend or would you even bother with doing a valve job?

Sam, (I am assuming)
Bring them over and I will show you how to port them. (YOU can do all the work) and then get you hooked up with a good machinist to cut the seats and valves. If you do a decent job of it, it'll net you 45+hp. for just a few nights of grinding. I can help out with the finish work. THAT will cost you, though.;)
Sam, (I am assuming)
Bring them over and I will show you how to port them. (YOU can do all the work) and then get you hooked up with a good machinist to cut the seats and valves. If you do a decent job of it, it'll net you 45+hp. for just a few nights of grinding. I can help out with the finish work. THAT will cost you, though.;)


Heck of a proposition, right there, that Ken is offering you! A good valve job, and you will feel the added power, and/or see the added power if you've gone to the track, with faster time slips/more mph.
My local NAPA machine shop had a new fangled cutter(2 yrs ago) that they claimed was a 5 angle with a radius (to eliminate any sharp edge). Also the fresh valve springs always help at WOT, don't forget to do the timing set while the heads are off if needed/still stock.


so would you guys go with a 3 or 5 angle? and I'm actually Sam's brother. car is stored out here in Wyoming and I'm the lucky one that gets to do all the work. :rolleyes: But Ken, thank you for the multiple offers! to bad the car isn't up there....
why do I need to do the timing while the heads are off? this is the first time iv'e been into an engine this far thats not just for practicing purposes. I went to school for auto mechanics but its been awhile. any helpful hints are always welcome... thanks