TurboBuick members on Facebook??

There is one link on here, it doesn't seem to be the actual page you are talking about. How about posting a link,thanks.
All you have to do is do a search for this Turbobuick.com members on Facebook
finally figured it out ,for those who have questionable computer skills (like me) I copied the link ,then I had to do the search ,then click on groups & do the search again.
A couple of things to talk about. The most important thing being that I have made the chat option available to everyone in the group. This allows you to have live chat with knowledgeable guys. The list is large on these guys as well. Secondly, I am talking to the admins about a car of the month idea. I may even get a vendor to sponsor it? MAYBE. Let me know what you guys think!

Third, Farva what is your screenname?!
look on the wall post that asks who's from tb.com

It's the best pic on there except for mrs.fastnasty;)