Traffic cameras everywhere

That's why I stated it's just theory. It would have to be tested. Read the fine print.

And I never mentioned "traffic camera lights". I was referring to intersection cameras. Read the fine print.

But, seems like your googled info turned up some pretty interesting information. Nevertheless, if there were a good product that actually did work, it'd be a hit.

Haven't seen any real testimonials yet. Maybe rather than hijacking this post, somebody with some experience will post a related thread.
Well ,when i'm working for Her Majesty's Secret Service I usually use one of these.

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We use to have them here in Ohio but the House voted to ban the use of them. I did not like the cameras being used, sometimes they would get stuck and continue taking pictures whether there were cars running red lights going through the intersection or not. Hell i was expecting to receive a few tickets in the mail just driving through an intersection with the camera being stuck taking pictures. Glad they are gone here.
I grew up there my whole life till we moved out. I don't like even going back now. Red light cameras, speed camera and meter maids giving tickets for EVERYTHING including ANY type of license plate cover and even some license plate FRAMES. It is very apparent that the governing forces in the city (Mayor, Liberals) do not like cars and wish to abolish them. It is kind of sad.
No, it's simply a revenue stream Instead of "taxs".
I know, i was going to put a warning about the bizarre music. It's incredibly distracting and grinds on your nerves.
I don't know how to explain it, but the music actually cheapens the product. It screams "This piece of shit was made in China and we are going to charge ghetto inner-city wanna-be thugs to much for it!!"

And what do ya know. It works for them!

I promise you all........If any Buick vendor ever did an add like this.......I could not bring myself to buy his product.