This Kittie would kick some ass

Originally posted by stickybones
I can see pictures in the lounge. Can't see them in other forums or if I have to click a picture file to open it.:confused:

That is normal, for now we just have pictures fired up in a few places of the board. You are good. ;)

How much and where to buy one of those 30lb cats?????

We have an old "tom" cat here that just kicks the s**t out of my 2 cats.

I wanna turn the lil savanny on his a**:D

PS-Paris is a HO, a hot ho at that:D
I fought a silver back gorilla once

In college, he was the heavyweight wrestler on the team.

Next morning after i sobered up it felt/looked like I fought one of those things:eek:
"How much and where to buy one of those 30lb cats?????"

Cough up $2k! Thats what they start at.......or, some states let you keep Servals! They actually make good pets and weigh 45-50lbs! Make short work of any critters that stray into your backyard.

Savannah cat link:
Oh s*it

for 2k I will just but a pellet gun and blast his a**:D
That is one huge cat weester. I would hate to have the job of cleaning that litter box. Kewl cats though if you are into them.
"That is one huge cat weester. I would hate to have the job of cleaning that litter box. Kewl cats though if you are into them."

Their growl will scare the cr@p out of most people!

Try cleaning up after 3 of them....Actually they arent that bad, I use two litter boxes!
How domesticated are they? Are they any more aggressive than a normal cat, or does it just vary? I have a friend in SoCal that is an animal nut and she wouold love on I'm sure. Especially since she can't have a ferrit any longer.
They are hybrids so they do have some wild tendencies. They bond to one person and tolerate others. If you get one from a good breeder they are great pets..Energizer cats!

Here's a breeder in the sacramento area, breeds bengals and savannahs..
Originally posted by strong87
They are hybrids so they do have some wild tendencies. They bond to one person and tolerate others. If you get one from a good breeder they are great pets..Energizer cats!

Here's a breeder in the sacramento area, breeds bengals and savannahs..

Did it ever turn on you:confused: Would it kick a house cats ass:eek:
HA - there's nothing on this earth that could woop a Grizzly except maybe a Polar bear (or a man with a gun)
They are crazy stupid, feel no pain and are all teeth and claws...

When I was a kid (military) and in Okinawa (see previous post) they would have local carnivals in the of the featured shows was a Habu (very venemous local snake) VS Mongoose.
You'd go into this tent and they would have a mongoose in a big glass box with a clear center divider...they'd drop the snake in the other side, let the mongoose get wound up and then lift the center was all over in a few short minutes...sometimes they'd drop in 2 or 3 snakes and the mongoose would still kill them all....
"Did it ever turn on you Would it kick a house cats ass"

Never had a problem with them. You have to train them right from kittens. My neighbor has a huge tomcat and he tried picking a fight with my older savannah, it lasted all of 5 seconds. He jumped on the tom before the cat could react, sunk his claws into his back and the other cat ran off howling. They are extremely quick and agile..They protect their territory!
Originally posted by strong87
"Did it ever turn on you Would it kick a house cats ass"

Never had a problem with them. You have to train them right from kittens. My neighbor has a huge tomcat and he tried picking a fight with my older savannah, it lasted all of 5 seconds. He jumped on the tom before the cat could react, sunk his claws into his back and the other cat ran off howling. They are extremely quick and agile..They protect their territory!

What is the difference between a Savannah and a Bengal:confused:
"What is the difference between a Savannah and a Bengal"

The Bengal is a cross between an asian leopard cat(like an ocelot) and a domestic shorthair. The Savannah is a cross between the bengal and an African Serval. The Savannah is taller, longer and has alot more wild genes. I have one Bengal and two Savannahs, the Bengal is heavier bodied.
Originally posted by strong87
"What is the difference between a Savannah and a Bengal"

The Bengal is a cross between an asian leopard cat(like an ocelot) and a domestic shorthair. The Savannah is a cross between the bengal and an African Serval. The Savannah is taller, longer and has alot more wild genes. I have one Bengal and two Savannahs, the Bengal is heavier bodied.

Which is stronger, I am digging those cats:cool:
Here's another hybrid, a safari cat......Big Kitty!


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