This Kittie would kick some ass

My black and white Casey Lee would play with that cat no sweat.

She loves to play with cats.........for about 30 seconds till their necks break. Then she comes to me askin "dad, why don't they make em so they last longer"? Funny thing is, she is only playin with them.

She put her face though a fish tank chasin guinea pigs one time. Cut her face right next to her eye and cut her paw. Both needed stitches and it didn't even slow her down, blood flyin everywhere.

There is one animal that slows her down and that's a hedge hog. she can't eat those too quick although see tries and tries......... :D
Holy ****! Thats crazy! Thats about the size of a mountain lion!
Ever see what happens when a domestic dog plays with a wild cat?
Originally posted by 87buick3825
Chinese restaurant would kill for that cat !!! LOt's of meals !!:D


LOL haha the funny thing is you joke about it and still eat the mystery meat haha whos the joke on

back on topic damn thats a BIG cat would love to have a pet cat that big in Siamese........
Man, I'm thinking that has to be Photoshopped. There is no way a cat that big would have all parts proportional.
Its not a liger or a tigon, who cares.. its a domestic :)

Who is the chiky, she is the marring type:eek: full sweat pants ohhhhh baby LOLOLOL... she is a hotty..

actually, damn, give me her number

A liger is a mutt in the cat world. It is really a tiger and lion cross breed. it looks like a lion but with strips.