There's one thing I HATE...


One Cool Guy
Jun 13, 2005
...the exploitation of kids.

YouTube - Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood [Full Film]

One good thing about watching socialized television (look at location) is they have no fear of broadcasting things like this. When I decide my son can watch TV, there are NO commercials.

I warn you, this is a VERY long video (one hour plus), but if you have kids or were born after 1970, this is a good watch.

My favorite part is when the FTC deregulated content of commercials to kids in the early 80's by using the fear of communism/socialism.

If this should not be in this forum, I apologize.
We've been brainwashed by the corporate/globalist media for a long time. They mold us from childhood into becoming good little commercialized sheep. If you ask a teenager right now who the second President of the U.S. was, you will get a blank stare. But they can tell you everything you need to know about Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber.