Theives took everything, just a husk...

Originally posted by littlesixsteve
TTommy did you have any type anti-theft devices like a cuff or chip?
Imagine if you had time to get down to the street from your apartment.

This story might be different.

Wow if you saw it drive off your local PD must really be bad at tracking down a hot car.

Yeah, the Berkeley PD suck!!! I called them in less than a minute...and the theif only had 2 ways to go. I can't believe they didn't catch the butthole. Police seem to incompetent...and they are always ready to harass innocent people.

I didn't have my thrasher chip in the car. :(
I usually unplug the computer, but I was getting ready to get back in the car and drive home; so I didn't bother.

I'll see if the insurance company will let me know who buys what's left. I get more and more angry about it. Someone needs their head crushed by a crowbar...any more of this and I'm gonna fly into a wild rage destroying and smashing things!!!