The soundtrack to many a freshly whipped buick ass

Andrew91GT said:
My car isn't exactly new around here, and I've had more than a few turbobuick guys talk some smack to me. Fair enough. I've raced the Ford/Buick race for the last three years, and enjoyed the competition.

If you want to hate on me because I keep my car evolving and changing while you run the same or slower ETs every year, feel free.

By the way, comparing GNs to geo metros is a little sad. There are fast buicks just like there are fast fords. Give your bretheren more credit than that!

Damnit Andrew! Every time I try to get my car closer to yours,you break out the credit card.Too bad I won't be finished with the new bullet in time for Noble,I figure it will be about as fast as your old supercharged setup ran maybe. :biggrin:


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By the way, comparing GNs to geo metros is a little sad. There are fast buicks just like there are fast fords. Give your bretheren more credit than that!

Andrew, he has a geo metro that has been tubbed out and transplanted with a buick V6. I have no idea what it runs now but last I saw of it the car was in the low nines on a mild pass.
The Buick/Ford rivalry has been going on since the TR was named the fastest American made car of the 80s. Sh!t talking is the Nature of the Beast when it comes to any kind of racing.

To even compare a MASS produced Mustang to a TR is ridiculous. TRs are UNIQUE and strike fear in most on the streets. A big sedan with a little V6. Most Mustangs need a Turbo to even keep up.

There are a lot of guys on this board that if they decided to put all their money in one car..we'd all be in the 7s. Personally I'd rather have 3 VERY streetable cars in the 10s and other toys.

Bottom line is Joe Mustang came over here too flap. Cool. No big deal, but to jump to his defense on every response is.........GAY.
Putting up MPEG's and sound clips is one thing.... making a full pass and running the number is another! Unless you have taken it to the track and went straight with it without any problems with your new found power you may be surprised at what beats you. That or you may end up with the sunny side down looking out the busted out a caved in roof :eek:
The thread is titled "freshly whipped buick ass", and you're whinning about the integrity of this board. LMAO.
you gota admit, thats a nice turd,sounds and looks fast and im sure it is...but its still a 10 years the gn will still be a collector/fast azz car and you still have a turd..nothing wrong sure somewhere in your life you got spanked pretty hard by a gn and now have spent your whole life trying to beat one,now after $60k plus youve done it,and have returned to show whos boss da man...definately one fast pile of shibitz...hope you pull some good numbers with that car,cause you deserve looks like a clean professional best friend drives a mustang and we love to piss each other off,so by posting that up here,i think thats pretty funny..hope you dont think im putting down your piece of crap,cause im not..its a very nice car that we can sit down together,drink a beer,and watch it go down in value :biggrin:
You started it!

Perfectly said tommy. I could'nt have said it better myself. andrew you just wanted to get some jollys out of this and you did! but to come here and post what you did in your FIRST post and then have some of your buddy's say that these people on this board get pissed when someone else's car is faster is B.S. It's not the case, but this should be a NO BRAINER for ya! a 1986, 3700lb full size car, 231ci V-6, "22mpg", <(your not getting that!) power windows, digital dash, electronic touch climate control, t-top's, quiet exhaust , and drive it back and forth to work as a daily driver. are you shure you got this? ( 3700LB, V-6, "22mpg", ) $ 2,400.00 in up-grades AND I know you got more than that in your pooch motor and I still beat> zo6, gt, trans-am, camaro yada yada and the damn list goes on. NUFF SAID !!! Have a nice day in your girl car. :biggrin:
Andrew91GT said:
My car isn't exactly new around here, and I've had more than a few turbobuick guys talk some smack to me. Fair enough. I've raced the Ford/Buick race for the last three years, and enjoyed the competition.

If you want to hate on me because I keep my car evolving and changing while you run the same or slower ETs every year, feel free.

By the way, comparing GNs to geo metros is a little sad. There are fast buicks just like there are fast fords. Give your bretheren more credit than that!

OK, old timer. I do have a Geo Metro with a pretty mild S1 motor in it (that's a Stage 1). It's gotten faster and evolved every year and is a bit more unique than a turbo Mustang, who'd ever thought of that one !!

Is it as fast as yours? No, but it has gone 5.86 @ 123 in the eighth. Maybe you should look into going on a TF/X site and telling them you got something for them. :rolleyes:

I like the engineering of your car for the most part. I'll like it more in person if I ever see it and get to witness it's pawr put down. I don't dislike you or your car but your attitude is a little boring. We've had the "crust" discussion on here before. (If anyone here has enough gray hairs to remember that.)
This thread got me thinking about how much money I would put in a 91 turd brown mustang,But I guess the real question is would I put a video of the cobbled up mess on the net.Naaaah ;)
What's a petty built ford smallblock with a 106mm cost these days? I thought i had a lot of money in my stuff... bling, bling bitch!! :D
Stu - not as much as you might think. Petty is pretty reasonable.

Nashty - 5.86 is pretty respectable and plenty fast.

Tommynos - I have yet to lose to a buick at the Ford/Buick race. Then again, TurboSam6 did whip up on me a time or two back when I lived in Champaign. I talked to a friend of mine with a similar car (427 petty motor, 106mm turbo) and he said that their first time out on 12 psi with a fat tuneup and no timing their car went 5.20 1/8th mile. I have some hope!
Andrew91GT said:
Stu - not as much as you might think. Petty is pretty reasonable.

Nashty - 5.86 is pretty respectable and plenty fast.

Tommynos - I have yet to lose to a buick at the Ford/Buick race. Then again, TurboSam6 did whip up on me a time or two back when I lived in Champaign. I talked to a friend of mine with a similar car (427 petty motor, 106mm turbo) and he said that their first time out on 12 psi with a fat tuneup and no timing their car went 5.20 1/8th mile. I have some hope!
you never know,you may run out of gas at the line,or you could be to busy pulling someones foot out of your ars to even run :biggrin: but seriously by the looks of this storm you best find you a car hauler and get butt out of texas,and if it was me i would leave the car behind :biggrin: be safe..
No joke, I hope you don't get hit down there with this hurricane. I can't believe this weather, if I were a religious man I'd be thinking the end is near!

I remember those good ol' days Andrew, back when an 11 second street car was KILLER. Now I have friends with 9 second street cars and the imports here run 11's. Its nuts! Remember that night we went street racing up in Paxton? It was small, but I have good memories of it. I sure stomped that kids V8 S10 with my (then) stock GN. And I remember the Mustang track rental I took the GN to, my first time in the 1/4. That was the only time I remember beating you, and you had a slightly faster ET but I had the win slip. No rematches mutha f*cka! :biggrin:

I guess I've just matured and I can appreciate almost any fast car now, no brand loyalty or any other BS. At a certain point theres so little factory parts remaining on a car theres no brand to be loyal to. With an aftermarket block, suspension, tranny, etc., how do you pinpoint what brand your car is? Its just a shell to hold all the power, and it doesn't matter what tag is on said shell. Its all about respect, and I hate when a mustang or mopar guy gives me crap for owning a chevy, just like when the buick guys hate getting crap from the chevy and ford camps. It makes you sound ignorant when you bash someones car because its a ford, chevy, buick, etc. Like when the mullet headed car morons used to tell me "Nice Monte!".
extranjeo said:
Bench racing is gay. Run it or shut it. Period

Beleive me...Andrew runs it.No doubt.

His car is definitely worth some respect.He has put alot of time and work into it just like we have ours.

He is just having a little fun.I am sure he knows that if he is that fast John Schmidt might just be the guy next to him this year! ;)
You may be right, but I'm sorry, I don't buy into bench racing. It's Brady Bunch third grade stuff. I don't care if you run a 14.0 quarter or a 1.40 60 foot. It's all kids stuff encroached by the small penis syndrome. If your bad, show me, don't tell me.