The most comfortable boot ever made!

Originally posted by AZ Vic
You guys should check out wesco's -

I paid 340 for mine, so they are pricey but they will be the last boots you ever buy. The soles and leather will last 3 or 4 years of everyday, steady, hard use.

They are completely hand made in the usa in oregon or washington.

They make special ones for firefighters too.

I like my Westcos line boot. The BEST support for arches. Stand in a pair of hooks for hours and you'll know what I mean.
Originally posted by b231v6
I like my Westcos line boot. The BEST support for arches. Stand in a pair of hooks for hours and you'll know what I mean.

Damn right...

If you don't mind me asking, what's your trade b231v6?

Electrical line tech Troubleman classification. I seem to make more trouble than I fix!:D
I'm only stating there the best for line work,other jobs that's for the person doing the job to decide.:cool:
Originally posted by b231v6
I'm only stating there the best for line work,other jobs that's for the person doing the job to decide.:cool:

I would trust your opinion,since you are not sitting on your Arse eating doughnuts :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by b231v6
Electrical line tech Troubleman classification. I seem to make more trouble than I fix!:D

I've spent many an hour on my bashlin's... Nothing touches the Wesco - bar none.

CATV lineman/splicer/sweep tech here.

i don't know if you could answer this or not, but is that deal through okley or your state/county gov.?

i work for the county parks (seasonal stuff to pay for school) if the deal is through okley i'll do whatever i can to order up a pair, but if its through your gov. then i'm guessing mine, at least my boss isn't going to do it.