Test pipe and dump question

Yes, these will work. The test pipe (and catalytic converter) are the same for the GN and TTA. If you have a stock downpipe, you will need the 2.5" test pipe.

Unfortunately, I do not have pictures, because my TTA is about 900 miles away right now, but last winter I had to make the same decision as you. I bought a used test pipe, cut the flange (that bolts to the catback) off it, then welded a 3" pipe to it that necked down to 2.5" for the down pipe. I then welded in a 3" dump and installed a 3" electric cutout. Performance wise, it probably doesn't have much affect compared to a 2.5" dump, but I wanted a 3" cutout in case I ever bought a 3" down pipe.

Good luck!