T-Top Trim


New Member
Jul 6, 2005
Anybody know where to get the trim that goes around the glass on the T-Tops themself. almost looks like door edge guard?
My guess, there long gone and they were only on early years
I'm using a set of 87 T Tops( no metal trim on the glass) on my 84GN because they have locks, work fine
I would take the metal off, clean the glass and be done with it
i went and looked for these for a pretty long time with no luck. i was almost thinking i would just buy one of those poster frames, you know the clear plastic ones with the black outer edges that look pretty similar to the remaining edges on my t-tops. i don't know, but if you find some please let me know.
I have the same problem, the trim around my t-tops cracked and splintered up so I took it off. Problem is I now have a small leak on my passenger side. If you find trim let me know. Plus it looks nice on the glass.