Supporting the troops? Thanks.

Buick Beginner

Where is my $$$ going?
Nov 9, 2001
As some of you know I'm a frequent poster on the board and a supporter of the site. I'm in the Air Force, stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa Fl. Today the President visited our base and about 2000 to 3000 of us packed into hanger 3 to see him and listen to his speech. It was a great experience! As I was leaving the base I noticed about 15 protesters with "Peace" signs over on the side of the road. But to my delight over on the opposite side of the highway there were at least 100 people waving flags and showing their support of the troops and our country. I honked my horn and waved to them, then thought about how thankful I was that they gave up a little of their time to come out and wave a flag for the USA. It may not seem like much to do that, but it means something to those in uniform. Whenever you wave that flag, or write a letter to a serviceman or woman, or call your local radio station and tell them you support our country, or even put a small flag on the car window, it's appreciated. Don't just think, "Oh, well that's not going to mean much", because it does. I think I speak for for most of the Servicemen and Servicewomen when I say, "Thanks". I does mean alot.
TSgt Tom Grant
US Air Force
MacDill AFB Fl.
a.k.a. Buick Beginner
Thank you and all like you for serving and protecting our country. You make me proud.
I listened to Mr. Bush speak today and it damn near brought tears to my eyes at work. Really. I just felt overwhelmed with pride for our Troops, our President, our Country.

I was tired of hearing the protesters on the news so I made my own sign to put in my yard. It sat in the dining room for 2 days before I put it out because I didn't know how the neighbors would react, didn't want to start anything. Well, after hearing another protest on tv I put it out. Man. All my neighbors have come over and told me how much they like the sign. I met the couple down the road, who I've only waved at before, Susan and Mark. She stopped by and introduced herself and her husband. My new neighbors next door gave me some yellow ribbon to dress it up a little! I even bought a new flag.

Sorry for the rant but I just want everyone to know the "REAL" majority of this country supports our country and you, our troops.

A big THANK YOU to you and all the men and women who are putting it all on the line to protect us and the rest of the world.:cool:
Thank you TSgt Grant, God bless you for your service to our country. You are on the top of everybodies cool list man, don't ever sweat that. Even though you don't hear it enough, and arent paid enough, thank you for what you do. Gn1220, could you describe your sign a little more, just curious. I'm sure it would be well received here as well:)
I'm not very artistic so it's pretty plain, but it gets the word out. I took a piece of white vinyl stock and used my stencils and a black perm. marker.





I've got a new maple tree in the front with stakes on each side and I zip tied the sign to the stakes.

On the sign the words are spaced even, they're not crammed to one side like it looks here:D
Thanks T Sgt. Tom, for your service to our country. Too bad you have to see war protesters when coming off the base. Those people have no class and don't support our country or service folks.

I guess you're putting in a lot of extra hours, due to the conflict. Keep up the good work. It will be over soon. Good Luck! ;)
It's been said on many of threads already....

But I don't think it could be said enough. I give thanks, praise and prayer to all of you in the armed service.

The flag flies in the back window of my car here... never know when a service man/woman will see it, but when they do, I hope they know that the driver gives them full support.

I'm not near a US base unfortuantely, mostly British bases here including baracks right in town. But I hope it does some good. I'm sure it pisses off plenty of the 'kein krieg' crowd. GOOD!