Sunday October 16th at SDR - BS Stops Here 2005


New Member
May 10, 2002
Street Lethal presents the 4th (I think) BS Stops Here 2005 at Silver Dollar Raceway. Anybody who has been to one of our events knows that they are an absolute blast. We are kinda 'light' on tech, and heavy on good ole fashion grudge racing.

This year we have the added bonus of having several sponsors, bigger trophies and more money to pay out. We are also ditching the quick 8 in favor of a 10.5 class. 1/8th mile, 28 x 10.5w max tire, stock 'type' suspension, pro tree. All 8 qualifiers will get paid, and we have a huge trophy for the overall winner. We also have a slick class, a hard tire class, and a 'less than 8' class for those who run non-v8 cars.

$10 to get in, $10 more to race. Gates open at 10, we start racing at 11, and race until 5.

And since we have the track for the day, we can do it however you want. If you want a old fashioned street race, we can turn the tree off, set you out 10 feet and let you go on the move. Sky is the limit. We've also got some very impressive Mustangs and Camaros coming down to play.

Hope to see you guys down there. For more info, check out our site: for more details.

If you have any questions, e-mail me at and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

Chris (Psychoholic)
gn-t-type said:
will some one please come and kick my butt

I THINK NOT :confused:

Put some slicks on instead of those et street and I will bring a broom to sweep up your back bumper and tail lights. :biggrin: