summit seats--good match ?

I've seen someone with a TTA with seats similar to that and they matched alright, I don't know if it was those exact ones though. I would suggest getting a nice used set of seats and then take them and have them professionally recovered with material that is a close match to stock. That way you know that they're gunna match and you don't have to worry about getting them and them not matching the interior.
I don't know if the color matches good or not, but I'm more than likely going to order the Summit Seats for my TTA. I've sat in a black pair and they aren't bad seats.
Two things:

1) I like the way that Summit seat sits....Very good lateral support and not so long as to hit the back side of your calf.

2) You could order one at a time and try one out....Sell it on if you don't like it ;)