Stupid Ricers


Mar 13, 2005
I saw this a local forum here in Phx. They just keep getting dumber!

As if my day wasn't bad enough, working 10 hours on a day I was suppose to have off... I got in a fight with a Honda retard at work today because I put some tires on his sweet eBay rims and they wouldn't balance for $h!t. He actually got in his car and pulled out a bag of Honda wheel weights...I remained optimistic about this as I could see using them on a Honda because if might look cool or something but he actually said the words I was hoping he wouldn't say, " Use these instead, they are lightwieght Honda wheel wieghts". I then tried to explain to him your can't have a lightweight wheel weight because they are measured by weight and he proceeded to set me straight about how said so and this and that. Then he couldn't understand why I was using tape weights because they make the rim look like $h!t and I pointed out that there is no lip to install a weight on...after about 1/2 hour I finally got them matched and balanced with about 5oz on each wheel. Best part was... he was going to be a badass and make a U-turn on Bell and do a Honda flyby when he nailed a curb and bent a rim then tried to blame it on me by saying he saw me balance them wrong. My boss, being only 25 himself just ignored the kid and he finally left. I wasn't aware of these "high performance, lightweight wheel weights" but I thought you guys should know.
HAHAHAHAH!!!!! That kid must be stupid...I prefer the tape weights as they dont mar up the lips if they have them...I guess he is another honda person who wants "status".

Perhaps he should have installed the light weight indestructible 'bead lock' wheels instead.
I just can't figure out these idiot's with there NAPA tune up / Slow & the curious cars. It's A new generation raised on inhaling NAWZ & believing drifiting is racing?? My god There getting dumber by the day!!

buddy is a toyota mechanic.......A kid pulled the same **** (on a side job)..(the kid of somebody else at work or something) (favor = no pay)....he put on the non-existant wheel weights.......I wonder how the kids car rides now? :p
There are better options than "lightweight" wheel weights.
All you need to do is drill some holes in the rims to remove weight on the "heavy end" of the wheel. :cool: Than you plug it with some lighter weight material.
this is the funniest thing i have read in a while.. thanks man!
Next time tell the guy he should add helium to his tires. It will reduce weight, therefore enhancing performance. Also the next time his car will just float over the curb that gets in his way. If he has neon lighting, it would also give it a greater affect. Wal-mart sells cylinders of it in the party favor isle.
Think they would try it??????????:D :D
These tools have always been around. I remember working at a mall gas station (yes pumped gas, tells you how old I am) and this kid that worked inside the mall (his @#$$ did not @###) would stop for gas in his Pinto and would leave and do this big power shift into second and get a little chirp off the tires by way over reving between first and second and then dropping the clutch. One day it did the inevitable and dropped the tranny right in front of us. Broke it so bad the case split and puked fluid all over the parking lot. It was a beautiful thing. :biggrin:
lol awesome. i like the lightweight wheel weights. cuz you know, by reducing rotating weight, your car goes faster. Hell, i picked up 2 tenths by using aluminum ones. :tongue:

Thats like the rotors at autozone, with no hubs in them, for our cars lol. they swear up and down some of our cars used them. I mean they were dead set on them working. ahh well, you know the deal. theres a fool born every minute. dont be suprised to see some of those kids comin in saying 'can you intall this resistor in my honda, to make it go faster?' that they bought from ebay...