Stolen car found...


Carless Loser
May 24, 2001
Well, my car was found in...guess where? Oakland! For some reason...everyone knew it would show up there. Whoever stole it was kind enough to not only strip it, but burn it as well! :(
I haven't seen it. The police department simply told me that it was tagged, "Major stripping" and "burned." I have no idea how bad it is, but most likely, the insurance company will total it. :(
At least all of your cars will be worth slightly more. I really don't trust the tow yard either. If there was anything of value on the car, I wouldn't be suprised if they snaked it. (A tow yard stole parts off a friend's car once -- or so we speculate.)
Everything about this totally sucks.
I'll probably never own a TR ever again :(
The insurance company will never give me the value of the car :(
I'm afraid to even see it :('ll make me more sad.

If someone here is really into restoring cars, you might be able to get a trashed GN, really cheap. The body panels may still be in good shape.

Thanks everyone for the help over the years. I really wish it didn't have to end this way. I have a few parts I'll probably be trying to sell in the future.
Hate to hear that. Good luck. Stories like this scare the crap out of me. I guess it's time for me to seriously consider a stated value insurance policy. I hope they find the thugs that took your car. Craig
I really hate to hear about that happening. don't get too discouraged, there are more tr's out there, just keep your eyes open. good luck to you and hopefully you'll be back soon!
Man I am sorry to hear that, hopefully it still has the motor or at least some salvageable parts.
We just got my sisters' Astro van back this week. It was stolen 3 weeks ago. The thieves first tried to break into my Cutlass but the neighbors seen them and yelled "get the F*** away from my car!" and they took off. They came back in the morning and stole the van. Looks like they used it to haul something as they took out the rear seats and tore the carpet up dragging something out (doubt it was the seats as their are some dents and red paint from something).
Only damage seems to be the missing seats, school books, child car seats and the damaged column and door lock.

Almost forgot, we retrieved the car from A&B Towing which seemed to be as big of thieves as the ones who stole it in the first place. Funny thing is the car was recovered two streets from their business and their were at least 5 more people their picking up their cars, all of which were stolen. Really a ghetto neighborhood also.
Makes me wonder whether the tow company has people stealing for them:rolleyes:
Well good luck and hopefully you will have something left to work with:(
Major stripping and burning usually means a shell or close to it. That really sucks, man.
Don't let the insurance company rip you off. Take before pictures with you and print pages of TR's for sale off the internet to show them what real world TR's are going for. It may take a little fighting, but I've heard many stories of people getting the correct money for thier TR after a loss. It's worth a try anyway.

Do NOT let the insurance rip you off!!! GO TO THIS LINK.

This is the NADA guide for classic cars which our cars are listed as(and rightly so). Value is listed at $8,000 and that is for a very high milage "driver". Yours may be valued at up to almost $20,000!!! Tell the insurance company to get the value from that guide as most use the NADA values anyway. DO NOT let them tell you that your car wasn't worth much do to age or milage!!! Hope this helps.

Ken B.
hmmm oakland CA, i live on the east coast and coulda predicted that. But i'll keep my mouth shut cause i don't want to offend some people.
Thanks guys.
I sent the insurance company everything I could. Including pictures of my car from every angle, as many receipts as I could find, and forsale adds. I've got USAA; I've been told that they are the best. So far they have treated me very well.

I'll tell my adjuster about the next time I talk to him.

...I'll let you know how things turn out.
Originally posted by TurboTommy
Thanks guys.
I sent the insurance company everything I could. Including pictures of my car from every angle, as many receipts as I could find, and forsale adds. I've got USAA; I've been told that they are the best. So far they have treated me very well.

I'll tell my adjuster about the next time I talk to him.

...I'll let you know how things turn out.

:( :( :(

So sorry to hear, but as said before DO NOT let the insurance company take advantage of you, with proper documentation, you will get a good amount for your car.

Don't be discouraged - think of it as a chance to get your ideal TR!
Originally posted by 1970gsx
Don't let the insurance company rip you off. Take before pictures with you and print pages of TR's for sale off the internet to show them what real world TR's are going for. It may take a little fighting, but I've heard many stories of people getting the correct money for thier TR after a loss. It's worth a try anyway.

very true, when my el camino was stolen just over a year ago, it took some fighting, but within 2 weeks the insurance company gave us 10,000 for my el camino. we had to show them pictures, recipets everything that you can think of.

its amazing what people can do and live with themselves for it. oh well im sure something horrible will happen to one of them one day.

now i have every recpiet of everything that i have ever put in to the GN...

whats the best way to prevent this, aside from living in the car with a 12 gauge, only leaving enough to get more ammo. I suppose m60 machine gun mounted on the roof of your house, and your work, and every store, and every place you go would work too, but how about something a little more praticle. car alarms go off all the time and no one really cares any more. i have a ignition disabler so the car can't be started without a special key to triger a sensor, but i want more.
I also had USAA when mine got stolen. I did what some have suggested and got comps off for sales. It made all the difference. They paid off on the right value of the car and I fixed it. Stick to your guns, you will get it fixed.
How did the car turn out? Is it as bad as expected? Just curious and hoping for the best.
Sorry to hear about the result, getting your sweat and bloods work taken from you by some pu$$ies is a crappy feeling.... Just out of curiosity..Any kind of theft deterrant on the car(alarm, club, lo jack) etc etc??

Good luck amigo,
