So how do we get telemarketers BACK???

Buick From Hell

Staff member
May 29, 2001
I guess while we were all happily putting telemarketers out of business, none of us thought about the alternative...


TV intercom doorbell.

Or a German Shepherd that knows how to answer the door. :D
Answer the door in a greasy t-shirt and gently tapping an aluminum bat in your hand....."git 'er dun!"
Several years ago, I heard a skit by some comic that says a clever way to deal with them. As you answer the door, very coyly ask them if they want to take a bath!
When either a telemarketer or a door to door happens upon me, I very quickly turn the tables and do a VERY hard sell on them.
I do not sell anything, but I pretend that I sell professional and household cleaning products, thank them for calling me or stoping by my house, ask them for a few minutes of time and without mentioning any brand names go for a HARD sell of cleaning products that only exist in my imagination.
They give up very quickly...
Worst telemarketers I have seen are those for the L.A. Times and the worst, AT&T. The Times I just put them on hold. They leave after wasting there time and are very pissed at you. And with AT&T I ask them if they can hear me now, tell them they have a bad connection , and hang up.,,,,,,,Mark :D

I have fun when they call my house. I just do the juvenile thing...I repeat everything they say word for word right back at them! After about 30 seconds of this I dont get called by that company anymore!:D
We don't get too many calls anymore that are live and in person. Usually it's one of those annoying, fast talking pre-recorded messages that leaves a 800 number to call back if your interested. Idea I had is to put the number in the computer and have it auto-dial it every 30 seconds or so for a few hours, just to piss em off some. Won't help things but it will be my revenge... :D

Ask them if they believe in Satan.

Send spam to spammers [copy a spam email and send it to another spammer.]

Try to sell something to a telemarketer.

Goto your local bookstore and head to the magazine section. Open every magazine you can get your hands on and grab those subscription cards. Fill them all out with an address to one telemarketing company. Also good for getting back at pranks or someone you don't like..
Here is one that you could use for the annoying mail credit card applications.

Here what I do:
-open the envelop and take out the business reply envelop.

-I mail the business reply envelop empty. It cost me nothing and the annoying credit card company has to pay for the reply.

-They also have to pay the person opening the envelop and wonder were the application is:confused:

Billy T.