Shop Hours to change oil pump housing AND


Feb 22, 2016
I'll know for sure today where my oil leak is but I'm pretty sure I know. So question is how many (book hours) does it take to change the oil pump housing gasket? Also, if it's the actually front cover what is the "book hours" on that? I want to be prepared when my mechanic tells me. What is typical costs to repair just housing area vs. the front cover.
Forget the hours in a book. First off go somewhere that knows Buicks and the oiling system mods. The pump oil filter adapter needs to be setup properly if your taking it apart. Gasket matched, casting removed, spring changed, wear plate installed, end play set up, etc.
To properly do it will be 5 hours minimum and access to a machine shop Is needed. Remove cover, indicate, machine, modify cover to minimize restrictions, re-surface adapter, re-assembly

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