Search function

Martin U

Feb 12, 2005
I know it's been awhile since I've been on here,and I'm getting old. I seem to be having problems with the search function. I get no hits on anything I enter. Is it me, or is there a trick to it now? Let me know
Seems like maybe the search tags are still being updated from the forum change over?
I never liked using a forum's search engine anyways. I never find what I usually search for.
What I do is go to Google.Com
Type in whatever you are looking for and type Turbobuick at the end of it.
That usually gets me close to what I'm searching for.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Another way to search just a certain website is to do it in this format what you are searching for here.
So to search for coilovers on this site you would do coilovers
I can do that,seems weird we have to go outside these forums to find info specific to our cars. progress.
I have the same issue today, yesterday i was able to search just fine. I think this issue started today.