Russia Says: "Stop Now!"

Originally posted by littlesixsteve
Gee I wonder what they are going to do? Send in the russian Mafia.:D :D :D

F@#$ them,,they did care when Iraq was at was with Iran for yrs...

Kiss my left nut:eek:
Yea...Russia wants it stopped because it is such a peace loving country:rolleyes: Yea, and the next time one of their republics wants to suceed, they won't roll in tanks and kill their own people.
I still think Russia, Germany, and France have stuff that they don't want us to find. Screw them.

Besides, how is this war going to cause a humanitarian disaster? Not to any of those 3 countries it isn't. :rolleyes:

f*** all these in-bred jerk offs:mad:
I also think they have something to hide. Maybe Saddam is the godfather of the russia mafia,and there are lots of french who*** on their payroll.
How is it possible for that hole in the world to be "further destabilized?" Its a mess and has been for forty years.
The reason they want us to stop?

50% of Iraq's military equipment comes from Russia.
30% comes from China.
15% comes from France.
Guess which 3 were the most against this war.........

Russia is also afraid that the 8 billion in debt from Iraq won't get paid, they are also afraid that the oil contracts they have with Iraq won't be honored.

That is the real reason. :mad:

Precisely, Joe.

Putin rose to the top of the KGB, and then to the Presidency, on his evil brilliance & treachery, while projecting a calm, reasonable, non-threatening demeanor all the while.

He's rebuilding several of the Tsar's palaces at costs of a billion+, while citizens starve. Sound familiar? All this with his height factored in, and an acute Napoleonic Syndrome is in full bloom!

Also, our Iraq action gives them a chance to paint themselves as a "peaceful nation" versus a "warmongering" USA.

Russia is still a dangerous, ruthless adversary continuously fighting for continued influence in world affairs.
Russia is also afraid that the 8 billion in debt from Iraq won't get paid, they are a

Is that accurate? That is an incrededible amount of money. If my history lessons serve me correctly the only country to FULLY repay their WWII debt was Finland. Drew