Road Rage - what would you have done?


Supporting Member
May 26, 2001
So I was on my way home from a local street fair kind of thing. I had the whole family in the minivan. I was cruising along in the right lane for miles. I needed to exit left so about a mile before the split I started looking for a hole. Traffic in the left lane was tight, but there was a gap next to me. It was admittedly not a big gap, but enough to put my van into. I signaled and the woman in the left lane floored it to close the hole. As I'm changing lanes I notice this and say f*** it, if I don't take it I'm going to have to drive around half the county to get back home. She honks like a lunatic and gestures angrily.

I take the exit, so does she. I turn onto the mountain road that leads to my neighborhood. So does she. I turn into my neighborhood, so does she. Now it's not totally impossible that she lives in my 'hood but rather than take any chances I continued through the 'hood and across the mountain. She follows. I cut through another hood, drove around in circles and then headed back down the mountain road that we had previously come up. She follows. If I didn't have the family in the van I'd have led her to a dead end and forced her hand. But I did, so I kept driving - right to the local police station. She pulled in behind me. I parked right outside the barracks where the cops come and go. She blocks me in.

She calmly removed her sunglasses, exited the car and walked up to my window. I had all the windows down, exposing my kids, which in retrospect was not smart. The conversation goes like this (note that both her eyelids are twitching and she's speaking to me through clenched teeth):

Her: "What was that about back there?"
Me: (acting surprised): "What do you mean?"
Her: "You cutting me off - what was that about?"
Me: (I decided not to call her on her closing-the-gap) "I didn't see you, I'm sorry."
Her: (raising her voice) "Did you even look?! There's no blind spot on this thing!!! I was next to you for miles!!! Don't you look....(etc. and so on).

I stared at her for a few seconds and finally said "I don't know what to tell you, lady."

She was clearly exasperated and blurted out "I'm going to call the cops". I said "knock yourself out - we're already here". She pauses and says "I know that!". She then got into her car and left, but not after looking at my son and then back at me in a strange way.

I waited for her to get far away and then left the police station. I didn't call the police but I'm thinking I should have. She's definitely a psycho but I'm not sure she'd come looking for me, but on the other hand she did follow me in circles for miles and miles.

Should I call the cops? I have her description and tags.

Yes. Make a report. She most likely has your description and tags too. If anything happens in retaliation to your van or otherwise, you have the report to confirm your side of the story. Nothing may come of it, but filing the report will be documentation. Doesn't hurt.
Better to be cautious and report it than have a psycho lady do something to your family or property and then try to get the police involved when it's already too late.
I would have just got out of the van and knocked the b*tch out! :biggrin:

Definately report it!
Always keep my tranquilizer gun by my side....I would have drugged her and tied her to a tree and covered her with honey!!! LOL ;) :tongue: :eek: :eek:
jdpolzin said:
I would have just got out of the van and knocked the b*tch out! :biggrin:

Definately report it!
LMAO!!!! :biggrin:

I'd report it. What would you do if she did something crazy to your babies or wife? Vans can be replaced.
Thanks everyone. I think I'll call the police tomorrow. If I call them now they'll send a guy to the house and I don't feel like dealing with that right now.

Report it!

Smart move driving around, people are crazy. She was in such a hurry she couldn't let your van in front of her, yet she follows you for miles :confused: Was she driving a Prius? What a crack head. :rolleyes:
you dont want me to comment ,,,,,,,ahh ,,,,go back out looking for her and knock the sh!t out of her...seriously...noone would ever confront me like that ,and still have teeth
one, i probally would have called her one the gap close, thats one thing that really gets to me, plus i can be kind of an ass sometimes :).
really though i really hate it when people do that, it happens so much that i dont even turn my signal on until right before im ready to cut in, seems every time i turn it on early the person next to me floors it, for what reason i dont know. whys everybody in such a hurry to get to the next stoplight??
If my wife and kids weren't with me she'd have been taught why you don't follow someone around and then exit your vehicle to confront them. But the way you approach things changes when kids are involved.

She was obviously trying very hard to keep her cool, probably because we were sitting in the parking lot of the police station. She didn't curse, didn't wave her arms or anything but she was visibly shaking with anger. I don't know what would have happened if I did go home or to some other location where she could 'express' herself more freely.

She was just really creepy and irrational. It still wigs me out.

Was she hot Jim? :biggrin:

Even if she was she sounds like a wacko, ya gotta love Jersey drivers and IMO the women are worse than the men from what I observe on the parkway everyday.
Buicksx2 said:
Was she hot Jim? :biggrin:

Even if she was she sounds like a wacko, ya gotta love Jersey drivers and IMO the women are worse than the men from what I observe on the parkway everyday.

No, she was not hot. Just sort of average late-40s/early-50s woman. I'm used to the wacko drivers in this state but I've never had anyone stalk me before. It was especially weird because she was a woman, and alone, and following me on some pretty desolate mountain roads. She had her cell phone in her hand when she got out of the car at the police station, but it did not appear as if she was on it when she was following me.

turbojimmy said:
There's no blind spot on this thing!!! I was next to you for miles!!! Don't you look....(etc. and so on).

Man, that would have set me off. Is she an expert on "blind spots"? Can she just look at your van and tell you there is no blind spot? All vans have blind spots. Oh well, I guess the best thing to would have been not to offer her any information that might giver leverage for her argument.
darkred87T said:
Oh well, I guess the best thing to would have been not to offer her any information that might giver leverage for her argument.

The only way to do that would be to blankly stare at her without saying a word, which probably would have caused her to hit me. There was obviously nothing I could have said to her that would make her rational.

That's why I carry a baseball bat in my truck since in Kalifornia we're not allowed to carry guns in cars. :biggrin: I think it was pretty stupid on her part to follow you because if you had been some crazy dude with a gun the outcome might have not been so good for her. And IMO it would be her fault anyway because she didn't have to follow you just to confront you. If she started getting all crazy and physical you could always claim self defense.:biggrin: Some people just need to let things go.

Anyway I commend you on handling the situation calmly.
Followed the right path

Dear Jim,

I teach the Driver Safety Program to senior citizens and what you did is exactly what is supposed to be done. We teach students never to drive home (because the person will come back and retaliate) but to drive to a police station, hospital or other occupied location. It is further recommended to call for the police or other person before exiting the vehicle. In addition, you should remain calm, be courteous and avoid conflict as any aggressive behavior on your part will escalate the response of this individual (this includes avoiding eye contact). You did exactly these things and are to be commended.

In PA, there is a difference between aggressive driving and road rage. This is an important distintion. Aggressive driving involves traffic offenses (following too closely, inconsiderate driving such as yelling, cursing, repeated blowing of the horn, rude or obscene gestures, etc). Road rage is defined as a traffic incident that escalates into the individual responding with some type of violence such as getting out of the vehicle and threatening you with bodily harm/verbal abuse or even assuault with a weapon or using the vehicle as a weapon. This difference is important as the latter is a criminal violation. Thus you could have entered the police station and they could have charged her with a criminal complaint (she would have to explain why she was following you and her intentions). On the other hand, improper lane changing is not a criminal offense. Police can only issue a summons when they actually observe the violation. Anyone can file a civil complaint but then it is a toss up (between the two parties) in civil court.

The bottom line is that you will probably never see her again but there will be another. Just remember and do what you did.
Thats insane. She must have been crazy to pull off something as nutsy as that.
Ive had my fair share of run-ins like that, and Im starting to think I need to carry some protection with me.

I just had my latest incident in my Cruiser with a few guys on a deserted road at about 1230am a month ago. Guys come up behind me in a newer ranger with high beams on. They tail gate me for about a mile till they can pass. They get up ahead and I turn back on my high beams. Well, I guess they thought I turned em on too soon, cuz they pulled the e brake and skidded off to the side of the road, waited till I passed, then jumped in behind me (at about a car length) with their high beams on, and the whole entire off road light bar shining down on me. I couldnt see anything behind me but light. So I pull away, but they stay with me. If I wasnt carrying probably 500lbs worth of tools and equipment I was moving, I coulda left em in the corners. There are not police stations or any open stores out here for probably 20 miles, and cell phones get no signal. So, my options were pretty limited. I decided to bolt for the nearest town about as fast as I could, but they ended up losing interest after about 15 miles of the chase.
Its pretty scary.
The last time I was targeted, I pulled off in front of someone tailgating me and trying to rub me off the road. So I pull in behind to try and get a plate #. Well, he wasnt having any of that, and stopped dead in the middle of the road and got out of his truck with a shotgun. So, needless to say I dont try to screw with these people, I just try to get out of their way and not get shot at.
That chicks actions sounds exactly like most of the drivers here in KC, they are crazy annoying drivers that once you put the blinker on, they speed up or drive right next to you blocking you in to play games.
Ive had quite a few try and follow me if they get pissed, good thing the ole buick runs hard :)

You did the right thing by going to the police station, you should have called the station as you were driving in and handled it right then and there.
She probably would have blown her top and been arrested for being psycho biatch, she may have just thrown down right there!

One word for next time


I would have tased her if her hand made it into the cabin of the vehicle..
