RJC Boost Controller or BCST Controller???


New Member
Aug 30, 2006
Which one for faster spooling???Im looking for a Boost controller that will give me quicker spoolup of my Turbo.I have a TE-44 and I like it but would like boost to come on a bit quicker.I have a manual boost controller in my car but it only lets me adjust the boost levels.It quit working for some reason and now my boost is 17lbs max all the time.I don't have the stock style adjustable wastegate at the Turbo.I have a racegate underneath the car and thats the only place where I can lower or higher the boost..Would the BSCT or RJC boost controller's work on my car??Would I need a THDP for these Boost Controllers??I don't know if its true that the BSCT is the best Controller for quicker spooling response.Can anyone compare the two types and help me decide??:cool:
Sorry I was referring to the QSBC vs. the RJC Boost controller.Does the QSBC have anything to do with helping the Turbo spool better or is the RJC Controller more for spooling faster:confused:
I was thinking that the QSBC controller is only for increasing or decreasing boost levels.Am I wrong about this:confused:
I think the RJC would spool it faster, I used to run one on my 44 and it really spooled up quick with the stock D5 in there
I think the RJC would spool it faster, I used to run one on my 44 and it really spooled up quick with the stock D5 in there

Thanks for your helpfull post.Im just trying to find out the difference's between the RJC and QSBC controller.I didn't want to spend money on any one controller and then find out the QSBC is a better one for quicker Turbo Boost.Ok I know the RJC would help it spool faster but compared to the QSBC which would be more helpfull?? Also I don't know where I could get a RJC Hybrid Controller:confused: