RJC Boost Control question!!?


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
I'm looking into one of these and i understand the concept of it..

Set the boost to where you want and boost will not be progressive anymore, will only kick in when you reach said set level

but my question is...what is the advantages of this? why use or not use it? i'd like as much info as possible
This subject has previously been discussed quiet a bit.


The advantages are quicker spool due to keeping the wastegate puck sealed longer, therefore helping the turbine wheel spool up faster.

The only disadvantage is, you need to keep the controller mounted close to the turbo. In doing so, the only way to adjust the boost is to pop the hood. The valve can get very hot to the touch while cruising around town setting your boost levels. I highly recommend this valve and currently run one on my personal car today.

I second that!

I installed one when I had my ta-60 and it felt like I had put a new turbo on the car. Well worth the $$.

Have not really played with my car since the 6776bb install yet...tranny problems right now. :frown: Can you believe I have a hole in my brand new converter.:eek: :mad:

Waiting on my new converter then its test n' tune time again!:smile:
yeah, i just put a ta 60 in the car with 009's so i guess i'll have to try this part out