Remember that kid in your school who used to change the grades on his report card?


Scaring the neighbors!
May 24, 2001
You remember. A couple of strategically placed loops would make an E or F look like a B.

Well, the method has changed these days...and so has the punishment. Doh! :eek:
Wow...arrested!!. Hell, if I got 30 days for every grade I changed I'd still be in jail....35 years later!! And that's not counting changing -'s to +'s :)

Got an F- once...changed to B+ of course!! That was back in the day when all you needed was a pen of matching color.

i can do that crap easyly my school has me on the admenstratiion team for the school ;) kind of easy for me :)
The sixth-grade student was booked into the St. Lucie County jail on a charge of illegally altering data in a computer, a second-degree felony

You would have thought he killed or raped someone. Sixth grade! Come on. When I was in the sixth grade, they would have turned me over to my parents and they would have made it so bad on me that I would have rather spent a night or two in jail. Seriously, if this kid is not a "repeat offender" with misdemeanors like chewing gum or talking in class, they should have punished him only. This is B.S. I predict the kid will now see how bad public schools really are and drop out, lose total respect for authority including the middle school police felony department, and become a real winner in life and get reward checks from uncle sam.
I used to do mine and my buddies. It was hard because it was printed out on a computer, so I had to mix inks to make it match. Plus sometimes I had to "erase" the original grade to make room for the new one. My parents said if I got a D I was grounded. Never got a D, that they know of. Chemistry was hard dammit! Trust me, it was really hard to do mine, hell, my stepdad was a teacher! And it even fooled him!
I used to get mine on a computer printout; I would put them in my scanner on my computer, load up photoshop, and drag the passing grades to the failing ones. Changed an overall average from a 52 with lots of zeros for daily grades to an 89 with no zeros and only one failing daily grade. My parents were so proud :D
That is absurd. The kid is 11 years old. At most, suspend him for three days. I can't believe there is a law against that. Yet another example of government out of control. This is VERY disturbing indeed...
I would do the 10 days, and make him come to school instead of staying home and playing Playstation. Expulsion or juvenile is just flat out rediculous
Originally posted by tjthorson
I remember all those "E"s I used to get. :rolleyes:

...and not to flame anyone, but it is funny how many spelling mistakes are in this thread of grade-changers! :D

Mike [:)
Originally posted by blackbuick87
I would do the 10 days, and make him come to school instead of staying home and playing Playstation. Expulsion or juvenile is just flat out rediculous

I am for whipping his a$$....Say he changed them by 30 points..then that is 30 days of a good a$$ whipping!

Oh and by the way...I work for a pretty large school district and my department controls our grading program......
Originally posted by ttypewe4jim
i can do that crap easyly my school has me on the admenstratiion team for the school ;) kind of easy for me :)

Wow they must be real smart if they let YOU on the "admenstratiion" team... *Cough*