Readings and Stumble


Nov 23, 2005
Closed Loop all warm

AF 7
L8 38-45
INT 128
BL 129 133 at 3k rpm
CLT 190
ATS 119
TPS .44
IAC 47-58 :confused: 71 at 3k rpm

007 mili does hit 540 at times but once it stumbles it goes down to 007 and stays there.

Read a ton of threads regarding stumbling idles and missing during low rpm while reving and idiling. I went thru the basic items trying to fix it but have hit a wall.

Basically car idles fine until closed loop where it comes close to dying in park but seems to recover and does this over and over. Under WOT it skips/stumbles until about 2.5k rpm where the boost kicks in and everything seems just peachy, car goes sideways and readings all seem ok no knock. When I unplug the the MAF it seems to idle the same but when I plug it in the car dies immediately.

Replaced MAF, o2 Sensor, Wires/plugs and reset the ecm. This problem started the other day after a hose came off the up pipe after a quick trip to the store, literally 1 minute there and back. Not sure what else to do after this point.
MAF is a bit high...should be 5-6. Your IAC is not helping either. Mine was 50-52 and it idled very bad. Reset it to 18 and it idles like glass. Try dropping your IAC first before you do anything else. Remember you have to reset your TPS when you do that. Turn the screw on the back of the TB blade until the IAC #'s come down. Do this engine warm in closed loop.