Putting my Turbo-T in long term storage... advice???


Sociopathic TR Ownership
Mar 21, 2004
As stated in the title I'm putting my Turbo-T in storage for 3 years while I'm going to move to an overseas assignment. I'm looking at keeping the car in my garage up on stands, what are the steps to prepare a car for a long term of inactivity? The car will not be started or driven until I return for insurance purposes. I'm going to sell the 86 GN before leaving but cannot part with my baby, any advice would be appreciated.... thanks.

Change all the fluids, put it on Jackstands, remove the battery, put lots of rat killer/dcon packs in the area around it. Thats a couple off the top of my head
As stated in the title I'm putting my Turbo-T in storage for 3 years while I'm going to move to an overseas assignment. I'm looking at keeping the car in my garage up on stands, what are the steps to prepare a car for a long term of inactivity? The car will not be started or driven until I return for insurance purposes. I'm going to sell the 86 GN before leaving but cannot part with my baby, any advice would be appreciated.... thanks.


fill the gas tank to the top and put sta-bil additive in it drive a little so it mixes
I haven't seen mine for a year and I didn't do anything. :eek: In fact, I pretty much parked it after a 2000 mile drive from VA to NM. My father-in-law did tell me two weeks ago that it sprung a fuel leak in his garage (under or on the engine) and he siphoned out all the gas. Only two more years to go!

I've pretty much consigned to having to do a lot of work on it when I get back anyway.
As stated in the title I'm putting my Turbo-T in storage for 3 years while I'm going to move to an overseas assignment. I'm looking at keeping the car in my garage up on stands, what are the steps to prepare a car for a long term of inactivity? The car will not be started or driven until I return for insurance purposes. I'm going to sell the 86 GN before leaving but cannot part with my baby, any advice would be appreciated.... thanks.


If you feel compelled to put it up on jack stands, put them under suspension points, not the frame.
Get them up here..... I won't let them sit without being driven,lol. Or give me a set of keys for your house and ill drive down there once in awhile and let em eat.
If you feel compelled to put it up on jack stands, put them under suspension points, not the frame.

Gonna argue here Dave. Put them under the frame and let the suspension hang. This will keep the weight off of the springs and keep them from loosing tension. No I'm not kidding. We do this when put the race cars to bed for the winter.:biggrin: It keeps us from having to change springs every year.:smile:
Change coolant and use 50% green 50% deionized water (at any radiator shop) or the 50/50 premixed coolant. Will help from getting corroded up cooling system.
fill washer fluid to top
change engine oil then go
fill up add stabilizer let it run for 2-3 min.
pull in garage and put it on stands under the frame lifting the car as high as your stands will allow(helps keep air moving and moisture out from under it) suspension unloaded is always better.
get some fogging oil or chain waterproof chain lube and lube the shock pistons so they don't rust on you. If you have chrome or polished wheels spray them as well so they do not corrode / rust. You never know when a garage could get wet inside. door open in a rain storm, roof leak snow melting and running under door. so be prepared for that.
remove the battery completely and give it away,it will be bad in 3 years anyway and could leak and destroy you cables.
unhook wastegate and remove prom from ecm, just in case ... never know what goes on when your not home period !

That should do it and be fine. If your storage is subject to high moisture or it could turn to 4-5 years I would pull the plugs and put fogging oil in cylinders and button it back up. It could sit for 10 years that way.

write yourself a note and leave in on the seat of what you did before you left and a list of to do's before you drive it again.
Like chip settings ? did you have any changes made that reset with power off ?
Turn the boost way down or drain and refill gas. (easy to forget when your excited)
Change coolant and use 50% green 50% deionized water (at any radiator shop) or the 50/50 premixed coolant. Will help from getting corroded up cooling system.
fill washer fluid to top
change engine oil then go
fill up add stabilizer let it run for 2-3 min.
pull in garage and put it on stands under the frame lifting the car as high as your stands will allow(helps keep air moving and moisture out from under it) suspension unloaded is always better.
get some fogging oil or chain waterproof chain lube and lube the shock pistons so they don't rust on you. If you have chrome or polished wheels spray them as well so they do not corrode / rust. You never know when a garage could get wet inside. door open in a rain storm, roof leak snow melting and running under door. so be prepared for that.
remove the battery completely and give it away,it will be bad in 3 years anyway and could leak and destroy you cables.
unhook wastegate and remove prom from ecm, just in case ... never know what goes on when your not home period !

That should do it and be fine. If your storage is subject to high moisture or it could turn to 4-5 years I would pull the plugs and put fogging oil in cylinders and button it back up. It could sit for 10 years that way.

write yourself a note and leave in on the seat of what you did before you left and a list of to do's before you drive it again.
Like chip settings ? did you have any changes made that reset with power off ?
Turn the boost way down or drain and refill gas. (easy to forget when your excited)

That was the advice I was looking for... good stuff. I got a few friends in NC that if asked I'm sure would look after my baby... just do not want to put anyone out. The real issue is getting it roadable before I leave... lol. I put the car down with mods last October, now I'm away and i do not get back until November. So priority one will be to get the car drivable again, then to go through the check list o **** to put her to sleep. This looks like it will be in the long line of worries as I get ready to move over to Asia... thanks Gents

As stated in the title I'm putting my Turbo-T in storage for 3 years while I'm going to move to an overseas assignment. I'm looking at keeping the car in my garage up on stands, what are the steps to prepare a car for a long term of inactivity? The car will not be started or driven until I return for insurance purposes. I'm going to sell the 86 GN before leaving but cannot part with my baby, any advice would be appreciated.... thanks.


Take it with you. I had mine in Germany with me on my last overseas assignment.

Change coolant and use 50% green 50% deionized water (at any radiator shop) or the 50/50 premixed coolant. Will help from getting corroded up cooling system.
fill washer fluid to top
change engine oil then go
fill up add stabilizer let it run for 2-3 min.
pull in garage and put it on stands under the frame lifting the car as high as your stands will allow(helps keep air moving and moisture out from under it) suspension unloaded is always better.
get some fogging oil or chain waterproof chain lube and lube the shock pistons so they don't rust on you. If you have chrome or polished wheels spray them as well so they do not corrode / rust. You never know when a garage could get wet inside. door open in a rain storm, roof leak snow melting and running under door. so be prepared for that.
remove the battery completely and give it away,it will be bad in 3 years anyway and could leak and destroy you cables.
unhook wastegate and remove prom from ecm, just in case ... never know what goes on when your not home period !

That should do it and be fine. If your storage is subject to high moisture or it could turn to 4-5 years I would pull the plugs and put fogging oil in cylinders and button it back up. It could sit for 10 years that way.

write yourself a note and leave in on the seat of what you did before you left and a list of to do's before you drive it again.
Like chip settings ? did you have any changes made that reset with power off ?
Turn the boost way down or drain and refill gas. (easy to forget when your excited)

Add a box of bounce sheets and spread them all over the place .Keeps mice away. I dont know if this is overkill but I would pull the rocker shafts off so the valve springs arent compressed. I would fog the cylinders for sure.