Propane Injection

Originally posted by Grumpy
"Amazingly, of all the preorders we have, only 1 is for a Buick. The rest are for imports and SyTys."

all the beating to death of this an I am the only Buick????...I have at lease 5 guys waiting for me to get this on my new

the parts Dan had @ Bristol looked awesome, well made "stuff";)

Yup, Dan.. you're it for the Buick crowd.
Try here for the preorder page. Seems to be working for me.
Hey Jay, I'm one of the Syty pre-order folks, and was wondering if you had some basic tuning guidelines in the instructions?

I know you've done some extensive testing, but there wasn't any mention of the details (pressure, jet size, etc).

I just want to make sure I have some background on the setup to start out with.

The kit ships with I believe 5 jets of varying sizes. Add into that the ability to make changes on the fly inside the car by cutting back the solenoid delivery time and you have pretty good control over the delivery of propane. Of course you can also adjust the pressure in the back. We have been testing at anywhere from 80-140 PSI with good luck.

As far as tuning, I really haven't said much about this because in all honesty, the testers have had absolutely no issues in getting these kits up and going on their own. It's damn near impossible to inject too much and very, very difficult to make the car bog down low with the stuff.

Kenny Brown is tuning via EGT and his EGTs seem to be jive with where you would want them on gasoline alone.

Also noteworthy is that none of the testers had any electronics. They all tuned off of pressure and jet sizes with relative ease.
Jay, how 'bout the bottle heater for the GWN (great white north)? Any pics of the complete install?
Im waiting for pictures of the completed kit. I don't believe they are actually installed pictures but photos of the actual kit itself in it's final form. Installation photos will probably come much later as we have to concentrate on filling orders now.

We do have a bottle heater for the kit, however.
Is that price on that pre-order form permanent or temporary? If temporary, when will it change? And what amount will it change to?
I imagine it will increase to around $600.00 in a couple of months. I wouldn't say this is an introductory price but there really isnt much money being made on the kits as it stands now.
I am still interested and following, just been busy. Jay, you know where to find me when ready. ....
