Possible scam?


Dec 14, 2004
I got an e-mail reply to my car in the for sale section from a felix john, anybody heard of this guy? He said payment to be made by certified bank check and to include all websites it is for sale on to certify I am a genuine seller....this sounds really fishy and did not reply. His e-mail is felix_internal1@hotmail.com.pls Anyone get asimilar or same response? Hope this isn't in the wrong section but since it may be some sort of scam others with a car for sale should be advised just in case.
i got one of those emails too.i wasnt sure who it was (my moms boyfreind name is john and hes looking for a car) i thought it was him.
I got the same bs line,opinion is offers not made in person are usually bs,especially if they havent seen the car.JMO
thats right up there wth the picture whores with no intention to buy.

oh crap.i answered mine,thinking it was my mothers' John:eek: . when i answered,does this mean he can now access my email account or ill be recieving alot more spam?? CRAP.
if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, etc.

possible scam? - NOPE

probable scam? - YEP!
Thanks guy's. Wish I could get an addy on this schmoo. He'd get more junk mail and sign up offers than he ever knew existed.

I've gotten stuff from this guy too. I just tell him to send me 30k for the car. Then when he askes for some websites that I have advertised on, I make up some really disgusting website names and send them his way....What an a$$bag!