Pics of Broken GN

wow that is alot of damage for only 12 psi good lick on your new build let us all know how it goes
Ouch thats a good one!!! I've had the same problem on other cars.Good Luck with your next build.
i hate to tell you this but someone had to beat the f out of that car before you bought it there is no way that motor would let go at 12 psi. that crank was on its way out when you bought it. no one does mods like that and only runs it at 12 psi hell the stock boost level is 15. someone gave you a hurt car. are you sure that the car didnt blow a vacuum hose and over boost? when did it happen on the track? start, finish, 1/8
i hate to tell you this but someone had to beat the f out of that car before you bought it there is no way that motor would let go at 12 psi. that crank was on its way out when you bought it. no one does mods like that and only runs it at 12 psi hell the stock boost level is 15. someone gave you a hurt car. are you sure that the car didnt blow a vacuum hose and over boost? when did it happen on the track? start, finish, 1/8

Well actually the stock boost level was 12, but we won't quibble about small details. Because of the light stock actuator spring, and the fact the stock boost gauge only goes to 15 makes it highly unlikely the factory gurus would have the stock base setting right on the max limit of the on-board gauge.
I believe your right QUIP 6, about someone racing it, cause when I got it, the engine bay was completely stripped, no ac, no inner fender wells and such!
Hey Nick M, I here you are the man out here, so I will definitaly be contacting you very soon. Mean chicken; no I did not win, I was just test and tuning and broke about three quarters of the way down the track. I can't wait to get started on the build, Should have built it when I got it, Live and learn!!!
+1 for Nick.... He's hooked me up on a full build when I wiped out my crank...... price was good to!
Well actually the stock boost level was 12, but we won't quibble about small details. Because of the light stock actuator spring, and the fact the stock boost gauge only goes to 15 makes it highly unlikely the factory gurus would have the stock base setting right on the max limit of the on-board gauge.
14.5 to be exact but every car maybe different. my dads 24,000 mile car went to 14.5 on a autometer gauge
That's a lot of violence to wedge a piston and half a connecting rod between the flex plate and the crossover pipe. Nicely done.

If Nick can't help you no one can. Good luck!

That is a pretty cool carnage picture. But man what a big bummer... sorry bout that.

I'm also wondering if it has a turbo crank in there. I've seen one before that was "serviced" with a standard N/A crank by someone long ago.... maybe that's what happened here.
Wow that is some damage for such low boost.. Good luck on your next build and keep us posted...
Holy Shi:biggrin: dude! A agree on the crank question.....I cans imagine too many stock turbo cranks letting go at 12 PSI, I ran my stock bottom at 25 plus and ran it out of methanol more than once with a pile of knock and it stayed put!!! And so it you can make it fast!!
I threw up a little bit in my mouth when I saw the picture. Looks like someoen threw a grenade in there.
Keep us posted.
More Pics to follow this weekend as I begin the tear down! I maybe showing my age here a little, but i am starting to hear the theme music to the six million dollar man in my head!!!!!
:) Brother, been there and done that....and it still sucks the big one. :eek: Get yourself a good build together and you will be a happy man again!!