parish's tt truck is for sale

He has been through so many different combos in that truck.....kept getting faster and faster....its a bad ass truck!!
I have several of videos of that truck downloaded. I love watching that thing. True daily driver street machine!
"Racetronics twin intank pump kit"

is that racetronix miss spelled, cus I thought they haven't come out with a dual intank kit yet. IM still waiting for them too myself.
Care to post them? I would like to see them.


I can't because they are two large for me to upload via my Dial up. I downloaded them at a friends with DSL them put them on a mem stick and brought them home.

Anyway they can be seen on like on his add. That is where we got them from.
If you guys want to view pictures and video of parish's truck.

Go to the video library and look at the link i started a few weeks back.

Parish's truck is all over that site...

Awesome truck...

He used to post here on a few years back.

Yeah a 10 sec truck no doubt.. Turbo charged Gen III GM motor and spray on top of that.
Isn't that the fastest 1500 truck in the country?

probally, at least a street driven one. it used to be the fastest 98+ 1/2 chevy, probally still is.

sucks hes selling it, that is a bad truck.

if anyones wondering the numbers 38k, i believe.