One less GN on the 84 got hit HARD (pics)


Staff member
May 24, 2001
I spent the morning and most of the afternoon at the track I was fooling with the new rear and brakes I just installed Car was running great..hooking up with 1.8 60 foots all day!

Around 2:15 coming home I was on a 4 lane road, and I was in the lane on the outside. A lady from the opposite side of the road driving a 15 passenger cargo van turned infront of me. I hit her passenger side going 45mph.

Both of us walked away without major injury, but I am VERY sore..and I plan to go to the hospital tommrow.

The police at the scene said that it was 100% her fault.

My mint 1984 GN now looks like this:

If you notice in the pics of me pointing to a box...that is my header panel...I picked up the 100+ peices that it shattered into..

Thank God I was wearing my seat belt....

In case you were wondering...yes I was crying at the scene of the accident.
shoot dude... im very sorry thats terrible!!

freekin soccer moms! pay some damn attention!
Dang, man I'm really glad you walked away from that one, thats so sad, it looked like a gorgeous car man. I'm really sorry man.:(
Sorry to hear about your accident. At least your all OK. In time I'm sure you will put another one together. Hope to see you at the track soon.
Sorry to hear about this!:( It really sucks about the car, but at least you are still in one piece and able to talk about it!!!

Take care man and keep your head up because things could be much worse!
holy moses!
thats what it looks like at only 45 MPH????

after looking at the pics of your car, i would assume that it is totaled-
i guess you get to start looking for another one soon:(
hey herb....sorry man...thats long as your ok...real sorry man...vinny
Your car looked real nice before the accident. Sorry man....

I hope you get from the insurance company everything your car was worth ....

First of all, i'm very sorry about the accident. I know how you feel. Glad to hear you're ok. By all means, though, get to the hospital just to be sure.

Secondly, although the pics look very bad at first, it looks like besides the radiator support, it's mostly sheetmetal damage. Are the framerails bent? Roof buckeled any where? If not, the car is repairable. I'm a certified auto body painter, i'm not talking out of my butt. Don't loose hope just yet!
Originally posted by turbonatr
First of all, i'm very sorry about the accident. I know how you feel. Glad to hear you're ok. By all means, though, get to the hospital just to be sure.

Secondly, although the pics look very bad at first, it looks like besides the radiator support, it's mostly sheetmetal damage. Are the framerails bent? Roof buckeled any where? If not, the car is repairable. I'm a certified auto body painter, i'm not talking out of my butt. Don't loose hope just yet!

Ditto here... Looks like minor frame tweaking on the front frame horns and the rest is sheet metal/bolt on stuff. As long as there are no buckles in the roof then that car is VERY repairable IMO.
One of the T-Top rails is bent, the trunk dosen't stay open, the passenger door is shoved back into the rear 1/4 panel, The windsheild is cracked, the rear of the car is leaning to one side, the rear bumper fillers are cracked, and most of the front of the engine is all pushed in, the front frame rails appear to be somewhat strait, but its hard to make out under the sheet metal....I have not dug into the car to see what is what..I am waiting for the insurence company to come out first.

The car has symptoms of "shock" all over it....Im really not sure what to make of it.

Thank You for your concerns.
Man that really sucks.Glad to hear your ok,still hope you get checked out.Sometimes it takes a day or so to feel some of the aches and pains like when some dummy slammed into the back of my truck my neck felt fine until the next day.It's sad to see one less 84 GN.There weren't many to begin with.I hope all goes well with your health and the insurance company.
Damn Herb, that sucks.

Really glad you're OK. Machines can be fixed. People sometimes cant.

I think I'd cry if that was my car too...dont be embarressed...well..ok, no I wouldnt, I was trying to make you feel should be embarressed :)

Hope something bigger and better comes of this.
Only way to know for sure what's what is to have the car on a frame machine. Measurements needs to be taken after the car is disassembled.

Good luck to you and keep us informed.
Those pictures are just painful to look at Herb, really sorry to hear that this happened. I was looking forward to hearing about you getting some great times at the track today, not this.
