Nordy, here is your next car....

nordy racer said:
DAMN MAN... i think you should get some help OK, TRUELY get help..

ethier that or he needs to put the bottle down, hey PSIEDV6 labor day weekend is over man.. :)

Don't tell me to get a life, this is the stupid sh*t you have posted on south western area this month or so. Why don't you look at it yourself and see how you brag and talk down to people. I can't even imagine all the other stupid sh*t you have said on different posts. ;)
cruzn57 said:
I SAW the dogs, all three of them ..... (oh.... my mistake, one of them was 2 names!)

so I know he has dogs, now a GN, wife, life, crotch rocket, well.....
no proof of anything , yet !

hey, does 175mph on dirt count? on 2 wheels? oh yea, about 25yrs ago !!
I have the time slip somewhere around here.

good night all, must get my beauty sleep, ( lot of good it does)

Listen Homer, the name is Kevin, get it right and for those who know me well they can call me by my real name which is Harold but you dont have the privilege of doing that yet, funny thing is you talk a lot behind the keyboard but that day i met you at the track you seemed like you saw a ghost even my friend Ray thought you were going to have a heart attack and I probably think i smelled some SH** but didnt say anything, I told you not to be afraid but you still had that look in your eyes as if i was going to go off on you and beat you up, i respect senior citizens and will never to that, but as you found out i am a really really nice guy and fun to have around. :) keep talking trash i love it, just shows you have nothing better to do than post here to get your kicks.. time to go now my girlfriend is demanding my attention, oh and i forgot to say Happy Bday to me. :)
psiedv6 said:

Don't tell me to get a life, this is the stupid sh*t you have posted on south western area this month or so. Why don't you look at it yourself and see how you brag and talk down to people. I can't even imagine all the other stupid sh*t you have said on different posts. ;)

whoa dude take a chill pill, this is a forum to have fun and talk SH** for what is worth dont take anything that is said here to heart, and trust me Nordy can back up anything he says he doesnt BS around. :smile:
psiedv6 said:

Don't tell me to get a life, this is the stupid sh*t you have posted on south western area this month or so. Why don't you look at it yourself and see how you brag and talk down to people. I can't even imagine all the other stupid sh*t you have said on different posts. ;)

i have a freak stalker :eek: .. IT'S THE I N T E R N E T .. if you don't like it ****ING DON'T READ OK....
beat me up???

hey 2names, let me fill you in real good, you ,or anyone else for that matter , don't frighten me.
I've been around the block a few times, in fact ,I've been in more bar fights that you ever thought of, and I was paid to kick some big mouth a$$, and not once was I carried out, EVER!
when you thought smelled sh!t, that was me,, I farted, as thats the only comment I could think of when I saw you.
I have no problems with you, or Mike, but when you let your battleship mouth over load your rowboat a$$, then I do Have a problem.
I don't want to call you by anyname other than 2 names, your friends call you what ever to your face, and ................ behind your back.
I'm here to enjoy and tease my fellow Buick owners, and take some ribbing in return.
Keep it that way, please.
just keep it light, and well all be ok.
If any of you guys have a problem with someone else I suggest that you take it off forum and resort to E-mail and/or PM. There is just no reason to fight amongst ourselves. You guys aren't forming internet debate "tag teams" here, are you? Some of us definitely need a chill pill it seems.
cruzn57 said:
hey 2names, let me fill you in real good, you ,or anyone else for that matter , don't frighten me.
I've been around the block a few times, in fact ,I've been in more bar fights that you ever thought of, and I was paid to kick some big mouth a$$, and not once was I carried out, EVER!
when you thought smelled sh!t, that was me,, I farted, as thats the only comment I could think of when I saw you.
I have no problems with you, or Mike, but when you let your battleship mouth over load your rowboat a$$, then I do Have a problem.
I don't want to call you by anyname other than 2 names, your friends call you what ever to your face, and ................ behind your back.
I'm here to enjoy and tease my fellow Buick owners, and take some ribbing in return.
Keep it that way, please.
just keep it light, and well all be ok.

My girlfriend says we all need to grow up after reading this, ok HOMER 2names for you only ;) , bar fights uh, wow im impressed now, was this an all girls bar or a gay bar that you got into fights at or what?, farting when you saw me huh, wow i guess i scared you that much ;) btw was this a SHART u know SH** Fa**, cuz i swear i smelled SH**. maybe your diaper prevented the stench from completely gettting out. :p

Uh oh time to go now have a nice day, and dont worry be happy. ;)
I guess my construction mouth is to much for you guys. Don't take it bad I will be nicer to the stock market guys around here, I just think it is all fun and games. :) But bragers realy do suck to keep seeing posts about there phantom things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. :)
psiedv6 said:
I guess my construction mouth is to much for you guys. Don't take it bad I will be nicer to the stock market guys around here, I just think it is all fun and games. :) But bragers realy do suck to keep seeing posts about there phantom things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. :)

Would you like to visit my house to see all my Phantom stuff so that you can DREAM of owning one day like your little signature states, if not, get over it..
2 names

your age and IQ are showing, ( both are single digit)
your girl friend??? whats HIS name? all this time I thought you were the submissive one :eek:
I didn't choose to enter into bar fights, when your told to as part of your job, you do what your told to.
if you smelled ****, it had to be from your diaper, as my farts do not have any lumps in them !
it just dawned on me, your 37, not married, have one nice car, ( heard you crashed the rental) and everyone here has lots of toys, but not ole 2 names! I feel sorry for you, you must have had a hard life, or is it just bad judgement, based on your actions on this forum ,and the way you run your mouth, I say you live in fantasy land, wanting what others have, save your pennies, and some day you too can have more than one toy, ( dildos don't count)
so did you remove your ad from my space? the one where you are seeking little boys? :eek: the one where you say your a former model, ( for who, some gay web site) maybe your not aware, but here in the USA it unlawful to seek out little kids, and folks don't think to highly of that kind.
stick to playing with cars, and don't bite off more than you can handle.
have a great week,

cruzn57 said:
your age and IQ are showing, ( both are single digit)
your girl friend??? whats HIS name? all this time I thought you were the submissive one :eek:
I didn't choose to enter into bar fights, when your told to as part of your job, you do what your told to.
if you smelled ****, it had to be from your diaper, as my farts do not have any lumps in them !
it just dawned on me, your 37, not married, have one nice car, ( heard you crashed the rental) and everyone here has lots of toys, but not ole 2 names! I feel sorry for you, you must have had a hard life, or is it just bad judgement, based on your actions on this forum ,and the way you run your mouth, I say you live in fantasy land, wanting what others have, save your pennies, and some day you too can have more than one toy, ( dildos don't count)
so did you remove your ad from my space? the one where you are seeking little boys? :eek: the one where you say your a former model, ( for who, some gay web site) maybe your not aware, but here in the USA it unlawful to seek out little kids, and folks don't think to highly of that kind.
stick to playing with cars, and don't bite off more than you can handle.
have a great week,
:eek: :D I like this 57 guy ;) and Kevin dont bite, he swallows.
damn guys... did all this SHI* start because of me :eek: and just having fun on the INTERNET..

just wanted to put this out here.. if i have pissed anyone off or offended them by my posts.. i'm man enough to stand up and say "SORRY".. i wanted to get this board hopping again with the love of Buicks and Racing but people are taking it the wrong way with my comments. IT'S ALL IN FUN PEOPLE.
nordy racer said:
Would you like to visit my house to see all my Phantom stuff so that you can DREAM of owning one day like your little signature states, if not, get over it..

Like I said, all fun and games NERDY RACER. I don't here anyone else brag about what they have besides you. I think it is good to talk and brag about buick junk. This is I hope. In your eyes if you went and picked up a part for your boat, you would have to let us all know about it and what it cost. :confused: WHY :confused:

Here is something you can tell us, how much is it costing you to get your phantom car back from Anderson.

this is a test :D
psiedv6 said:
Like I said, all fun and games NERDY RACER. I don't here anyone else brag about what they have besides you. I think it is good to talk and brag about buick junk. This is I hope. In your eyes if you went and picked up a part for your boat, you would have to let us all know about it and what it cost. :confused: WHY :confused:

Here is something you can tell us, how much is it costing you to get your phantom car back from Anderson.

this is a test :D

cruzn57 said:
your age and IQ are showing, ( both are single digit)
your girl friend??? whats HIS name? all this time I thought you were the submissive one :eek:
I didn't choose to enter into bar fights, when your told to as part of your job, you do what your told to.
if you smelled ****, it had to be from your diaper, as my farts do not have any lumps in them !
it just dawned on me, your 37, not married, have one nice car, ( heard you crashed the rental) and everyone here has lots of toys, but not ole 2 names! I feel sorry for you, you must have had a hard life, or is it just bad judgement, based on your actions on this forum ,and the way you run your mouth, I say you live in fantasy land, wanting what others have, save your pennies, and some day you too can have more than one toy, ( dildos don't count)
so did you remove your ad from my space? the one where you are seeking little boys? :eek: the one where you say your a former model, ( for who, some gay web site) maybe your not aware, but here in the USA it unlawful to seek out little kids, and folks don't think to highly of that kind.
stick to playing with cars, and don't bite off more than you can handle.
have a great week,

Hey Old fart sure can talk some sh**, but when it comes down to it you are the one Sh***ing on his pants :eek: LMAO, as far as owning toys I have had my share of them and im not going to waste my time posting a list for you, if im not married is because i choose not too I also had many opportunities of doing so but i would not want to have someone shouting orders at me like your wife does to you, I am also not a show off saying that i got this and got that. unlike like you an old retired fart, I got better things to do with my life than to get my rocks off posting on an internet forum, please grow up, oh sorry I forgot that growing up doesnt apply to you, I heard that as you get old you regress back to childhood that explians your behavior on this forum, in a couple of years more you will be buying diapers by the dozen dont worry its just around the corner ;).

have a wonderfull Shi*** day.

BTW I probably have more money in the bank that you have in you retirement plan. ;) ., and NO you cant see my bank account ethier :p

psiedv6 said:
Here is the answer MACHANICS LIEN, thats why Anderson keeps letting his son race Nerdys car.
HAHA.. my bill is paid up punk.. would you like his number?? i don't have out standing bills like you, i pay with CASH :eek: ...

it's OK to be jelous, one day you will grow up :rolleyes: MAYBE..